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Karens Complain That “Karen” Is “Hate Speech”

As I write this, polls are yet to close on the US election, but an interesting tidbit to emerge from, of all places, the New York Times, is that voters for Joe Biden are most likely to be women named “Karen”.

You can’t make this up.

But this raises an interesting conundrum: is “Karens for Biden” hate speech? The ADL would have you believe so.

Pepe the Frog and the ‘OK’ hand gesture memes have already been annexed by the Anti-Defamation League and are now officially considered symbols of hate. It seems as the “Karen” meme might be added to the list for hate speech against feminists.

Nothing proves that the left can’t meme better than their desperate attempts to stamp out meme culture wherever they can.

When it comes memes [sic] it seems that the right-wing have the upper hand. Unfortunately, a lot of their memes have been banned on social media or, even worse, added to the list of hate speech which, in some cases, makes their use a criminal act. But are they really that bad?

The most recent memes to receive 1984 style censored ship [sic] on social media are the NPC and Learn To Code Memes.

You know that satire has well and truly hit home when its target tries to ban it.

The NPC meme — which was really just a counter-response to the Russian bot meme — called out certain people for being predictable by replying with generic responses like Non-Playable Characters in videogames. The meme was super effective, and the left retaliated by saying it was dehumanising and Twitter responded by banning anyone that used the meme on their platform. Oddly enough, you are still allowed to call right-wingers ‘Russian bots’ without consequence.

In fact, sometimes the response to satire speaks volumes louder than the satire itself. When internet users purposely set out to show how biased and censorious the left are by launching a campaign to fool the media that such innocuous memes as “It’s OK to be White” and the “OK” gesture were white supremacist signals – and here’s the real punch line; openly telling the media that they were pranking them – the media took the bait, hook, line and sinker.

It was as if they’d told the media, “I’m leaving this burning paper bag here, with a dog turd in it” and the media went right ahead and stamped on it anyway.

That’s how self-righteously stupid the left-media are.

After the meme went viral the ADL officially recognised the ‘OK’ hand gesture as a symbol of hate.

Now the ADL is at it again and this time they are targeting the “Karen” meme.

The “Karen” meme targeted that kind of middle-class soccer-mom who demands to see the manager over every trivial, imagined slight. It’s since shifted slightly, to target the sort of permanently-aggrieved women who are the foot-soldiers of Cancel Culture.

And, in marvellously ironic fashion, the people who are usually considered to be a bit like “Karen” are now outraged at the term and are trying to cancel it by appealing to the Anti-Defamation League and want it officially to be considered hate speech.

Feminist blogger and self-published author, Julie Bindel, took to Twitter to express why she believes that Karen should be considered hate speech against women, especially feminists.
They’re not happy and they want to speak to your manager. The BFD
Whether or not the “Karen” meme will be officially recognised by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as hate speech remains to be seen, but it is very likely seeing as they’ve added Pepe the Frog, bowl cuts, and the ‘OK’ hand gesture to that list.

If comedy is tragedy-plus-distance, the tragedy in this joke is that once-respected organisations like the ADL have become woke caricatures of themselves.

Proving, yet again, that the left poisons everything it touches.

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