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The BFD. Image credit: New Line Cinema

Bilbo Baggins

Film freelancers could be facing a quadruple whammy of hits in the nearish future:

  • Global recession if Chinese manufacturing stalls
  • NZSPG incentives for production investment in NZ going away
  • Coronavirus on international travel

And this

[…] “The Screen Industry Workers Bill will restore collective bargaining rights for screen industry workers, rights that were removed by the controversial ‘Hobbit law’ under the previous government. It provides further protections than just repealing the ‘Hobbit law’,” says Iain Lees-Galloway. […]
“This Bill aims to increase rights for screen industry workers by allowing workers and businesses to work together to set minimum terms through collective bargaining. This will provide protections for workers while maintaining the flexibility and certainty that the industry needs,” says Iain Lees-Galloway.[…]
The main features of the Bill include:
A requirement for all workers to have written contracts which contain mandatory terms about termination, and protection from bullying, discrimination and harassment.
A framework allowing occupation-wide collective contracts to be negotiated, which will set minimum terms for all contractors in those occupations. These can be improved on in enterprise-specific collective contracts, and individual contracts.
A tiered dispute resolution system to support parties to resolve issues that may arise during the course of a contractual relationship or collective bargaining.[…]

Iain Lees-Galloway
Workplace Relations and Safety

The message is that it seeks to add on heaps and heaps of red tape.

Many times a contractor can be hired for a day shoot on the basis of a text or phone call the day before. Simple, quick, and streamlined.

Now all of these jobs will have everyone jump through hoops and get contracts and paperwork signed.

Just for a single day of shooting.

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The Case Against Foreign Aid

The Case Against Foreign Aid

There no evidence that foreign aid has ever turned a poor country into a rich country; it is much more likely that foreign aid undermines economic development by giving politicians in recipient nations an excuse to delay or avoid needed reforms.

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