Remember when a former Klan leader endorsed Donald Trump for president? The media went ballistic: here was proof positive, they said, that Trump was a racist. After all, why else would the leader of a racist group praise him? (Never mind that a current Klan leader also endorsed Hillary Clinton.)
So, what does it say that the leader of a notoriously violent, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, religious terror group praises PM Jacinda Ardern?
A Taliban representative has heaped praise on New Zealand after the Government gave $3 million in aid to organisations assisting the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.
This is not the first time that the leader of a notorious gang of violent criminals has showered praise on Ardern. Mongrel Mob leader Harry Tam urged gang members to vote for Ardern at the next election, with a rousing “Sieg Heil!”…
Funnily enough, Ardern is giving the Taliban almost exactly the same amount of NZ taxpayer’s money as she has the Mongrel Mob.
Abdul Qahar Balkhi from the Taliban’s Cultural Commission [said…]
“I’ve recently witnessed reports that New Zealand has announced a $3 million aid, humanitarian aid, to the Afghans in this time of crisis.”
Never mind that the crisis is one created entirely by the Taliban themselves.
Of course, any attention-seeking clown can “endorse” a leader or government — that doesn’t mean that the leader endorses them. In fact, Trump explicitly repudiated the KKK multiple times.
On the other hand, “Jacinda trusts me,” says Harry Tam.
Jacinda Ardern is hedging her bets on the Taliban — she says “it’s going to be all about the actions” — but she’s still handing over the cash. And the Taliban are happier than Tam’s fellow Mongrel Mob leader Sonny Smith with a new garden.
It might also be argued that the Ardern government must perforce deal with the Taliban in order to secure the safety of New Zealanders stranded in Afghanistan. Yet, so far, it’s Australia that is airlifting New Zealanders from the beleaguered country — without cosying up to the Taliban.
Historically, too, the Catholic Church signed the Reichskonkordat in order to secure the rights of Catholics in Nazi Germany: but not only did the Nazi violate the treaty almost as soon as it was signed, but its very existence has also been used to paint Pope Pius XI as a secret Nazi sympathiser, ever since.
[Al Jazeera’s Charlotte Bellis] says one of the reasons she was able to secure the interview with the Taliban representative was because she is from New Zealand. The ultra-hardline Islamists say they want peace and will respect women’s rights within the framework of Islamic law.
“I would like to say as a representative of the people of Afghanistan, I would like to immensely thank the people of New Zealand and the Government of New Zealand for showing empathy with their fellow human beings,” Abdul Qahar Balkhi told Al Jazeera.
The Taliban’s idea of empathy for their fellow human beings is, of course, rather questionable. This is the group, after all, which tortures children, massacres teenage boys for “laughing at them”, burns prisoners alive, castrated former President Najibullah and dragged his body behind a jeep, ethnically cleanses Hazaras and Uzbeks, and has abducted and raped women and girls.
Such is the company Jacinda Ardern’s government keeps.

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