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Lindsay Perigo

In KKKs 1-3 I advanced the case that Woke-Fascist Only Black Lives Matter and Woke-Fascist PROFA are the twin siblings of the Ku Klux Klan, siblings whom we might justly call the Kancel Kultur Klan.

All three groups consist predominantly of Democrat racists, all believe in the inherent supremacy of one race over another and all routinely repair to violence, arson and murder in pursuit of their vile objectives. After the RNC finale last night, Only Black Lives Matter did exactly that. It didn’t kill anyone, but that wasn’t for want of trying, as Rand Paul attested:

Tucker Carlson interviewed both Rand and his wife later in the day. He preceded the interview with a stellar editorial:

Alas, the “something that is going on” and the identity of those paying for the flying in of these sub-humans to Washington DC and other Democrat-run basket cases are known to both Rand Paul and Tucker, and they are too scared to name names. It’s mainly George Soros and his Orwellianly-named Open Societies Foundation.

After his interview with the Pauls, Tucker brought on Brandon Straka, another near-victim of the Woke-Fascist OBLM KKK mob. Brandon is the gay man who founded #Walkaway, a movement that has gone viral, for gay Democrats who had become fed up with the Democrats’  Woke-Fascism:

The picture should be clear to anyone with eyes to see, a functioning brain, a beating heart and human sensibilities. It just remains for me to reiterate that only Black Lives Matter (most of whom are Only Black Lives Matter entitled, sociopathic white moronnials) are the self-same Woke-Fascist scum brazenly touted and promoted by the New Zealand School of Music in its current Ethnic Cleansing Programme, euphemised as follows in their own words in a recent newsletter:

Black Lives Matter

The New Zealand School of Music—Te Koki affirms its support for the goals of the Black Lives Matter movement, and its commitment to addressing systemic racism, injustice, and violence. We’ve been having discussions as a School as to how we can best open our ears to the conversations taking place at the moment, and are thinking about ways we can take action against any institutional racism within our walls. As these discussions continue, our programmes have come up with some immediate actions they are taking to bring about change. We welcome other suggestions from current and former students, faculty, and staff as to how we create more equitable, more inclusive, and more culturally-relevant learning environments for our students. …

The Music Studies programme commits to reviewing our curriculum and research practices to de-center whiteness and prioritize anti-racist approaches in music education and music studies more broadly. This will include examining the content, approaches, and perspectives taught in all of our courses, and more action is to come.

As far as I know, no one apart from myself with this very small megaphone here has as yet spoken out publicly against this state-subsidised Woke-Fascism on the part of the taxpayer-funded NZ School of Music.

The Taxpayers’ Union and the Free Speech Coalition have been steadfastly silent. Our unelected government, of course, is composed mostly of KKK Woke-Fascists, and I suppose humans are afraid of being cancelled by it or totalitarian Labour and Green voters on Faecesbook and Twit-Witter, Woke-Fascists one and all.

Alas, unless the Silent Majority begins to roar, it will forever be the Silenced Majority, as someone said at the RNC … and the new KKK will have prevailed where the old one couldn’t.

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