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The “ Incompetents” seem to be running the U.S.A. I would rather have the “Deplorables” as at least then the border was secure.

Biden has handed over the “Immigration Crown” to V. P. Kamala Harris. While Biden told illegals to “Come” Harris is now telling them not to.

The Democrats were the original party of slavery. Illegals mean underpaid workers. Pelosi has them working in her vineyards. Tucker Carlson said 100,000 illegals are coming each month. Soros has had his way as it is now de facto “open borders”

The “Fix” was in ages ago. ‘Dementia’ Joe was set up by all of them so Kamala could take the Crown off him. Those “mad” women on American television were for Kamala right from the Get-Go.

Rachel Maddow said of the Inaugeration when Harris was being sworn in “A surge of energy went through those assembled”. Yes, but what kind of energy was it? Not necessarily the good kind.

Joy Reid of “Reid Out” even went religious and said, “God Bless Joe Biden, got a great partner in Kamala Harris, you know she is a step-mum.”

Joe Biden reminds me of Scott in the film “The Incredible Shrinking Man” where a mysterious fog descends and Scott begins to shrink. We are all watching Biden’s brain fade. It’s a case of “The Incredible Shrinking Brain”.

Though the Dems and the media can’t be grown up and admit to Joe’s dementia world leaders can and do.

Psaki, Biden’s Press Secretary has also had a brain fade over the Senate Report on Hunter Biden saying she is not familiar with it. This was when Hunter Biden and his business partner received $3.5 million dollars from the Moscow Mayor’s wife into his bank account. No Russian Collusion there then!

Perhaps ‘Usurper’ Joe’s three-fold fall up the steps of Airforce One was because he was discombobulated about who was “waiting in the wings”. (Get it?)

This traditional 1765 English Nursery  Rhyme could be an Omen of things to come.

Jack (Joe) and Jill went up the hill (Capitol Hill) to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his Crown and Jill came tumbling after, Up Jack got and home did trot as fast as he could caper, Went to bed to mend his head with vinegar and brown paper, Jill came in and she did grin to see his paper plaster, Mother vexed, did whip her next for causing Jack’s disaster.

There have been a couple of people  getting away with it” in New Zealand lately.“Woke Johnny” Campbell from “Breakfast”  got away with “bias” on the state broadcaster by using a “derogatory” term about Donald Trump Jnr. and Mallard the Speaker looks like he is getting away with using,$330 000 of Tax-Payers money to defend his own defamation case as well as bullying the man he wrongly accused of rape.

The Aussies have done one better and have had staffers having “gay sex orgies” across the Tasman while the MP was at question time according to PETA Credlin on Sky News Australia.

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