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Labour Lacks Credibility and a Moral Compass

Speaker’s tie. The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

The word Government is a complete misnomer for the Labour Party. It’s akin to comparing Megan Markle with the truth. There is no relationship between the two. To use the word Government in its true sense when talking about Ardern and her mob of misfits is an abuse of the English language. They got re-elected on a platform of fear. Fear that they created. Their whole election strategy was based around the Covid pandemic. No policy of any substance was introduced, not that they had any if the truth be known. With a big fat fail in all major policy areas it was the life and death matter of Covid that told the story of the last election.

National didn’t help its chances for well-documented reasons but at least it took some good policy to the electorate. Unfortunately, the phone was off the hook. The Labour Party since being re-elected are no more credible than the first time around, perhaps even less so. The lies and lack of transparency continue. These things appear to be of no consequence to these people. Everything is just batted away with the line that circumstances have changed or in Grant Robertson’s case, he was “too definitive”.

Take housing as an example. Their policy, (most of it against Treasury advice), forced them to break promises. Again ideology-based, just like the bashing of the landlords, they are now bashing property investors. This is their speciality, the politics of envy, go after those who are doing well and penalise them with an envy tax. This is their way of trying to level the playing field, otherwise known as the redistribution of wealth to create a socialist nirvana by bringing the comrades down to the same level so that they are easier to control.

What is required in housing is to leave the market alone and sort out with Councils the means to free up more land. It is a supply and demand problem.

The Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon insulted the Police by labelling them as racist. He should lose his job. They might have gone woke but they’re certainly not racist. If people of a certain ethnicity are committing most of the crime that’s hardly the fault of the Police. They are there to do a job which just happens to be arresting criminals. This is a problem Maori should be taking ownership of. Where is the Minister of Police, Poto Williams on Meng Foon’s outrageous statement? Is she speaking up on behalf of the Police? Her silence is appalling. The Police now know they have a Minister who won’t back them. This week in Question Time Kris Faafoi was answering questions on her behalf. She is out of her depth.

National MP Nicola Willis tackled the subject of the streets of Auckland and Wellington not being safe to walk at night. Instead of addressing the problem, the race card was again played. This time it was Marama Davidson, the person we pay vast amounts of lunch money to as it appears that’s all she does – eat her lunch. She took a leaf out of Meng Foon’s book and insulted Nicola Willis by calling her a racist. All the morons in Government fell just short of giving her a standing ovation. Absolutely disgraceful behaviour. This behaviour, plus not addressing questions properly and providing protection is all facilitated by the Speaker of the House.

Trevor Mallard. The worst Speaker ever by a million country miles. A disgrace to the position he holds, a disgrace to Parliament and the country as a whole. The fact he hasn’t fallen on his sword speaks volumes. The fact that Ardern hasn’t removed him also speaks volumes. I watched David Parker on the am show with Simon Bridges. I have to say that Bridges delivered the goods alongside the mealy-mouthed Parker. Parker enunciated the well worn pathetic excuse that he’s made a mistake, he’s apologised and there’s nothing more I can say.

So, in the case of Mallard, in the eyes of this Government it is perfectly acceptable to ruin a man’s life and career and an apology will suffice and the taxpayer foots the bill.
Speaker’s tie. The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

In any other place of work, that sort of disgraceful bullying behaviour would be met with instant dismissal. The fact Ardern won’t act shows, as a human being that she is no better. This Government has all the characteristics of a Shakesperian Tragedy – a drama that leads to the downfall of the main character called the tragic hero. The plot builds to a catastrophe, or a disastrous final outcome, that usually involves the death of the hero and many others. The death in this case being the 2023 election.

It’s well past time to forget the fake kindness and the beaming Colgate smile. Two things are applicable here. Never judge a book by its cover and a leopard doesn’t change its spots. This Government lacks all credibility and is devoid of a moral compass. They barely seem to know right from wrong. They can’t implement good policy because ideology and envy rules. Anyone who has worked hard and made a success of their lives must have the fruits of their labours either penalised or taken away. Classic totalitarianism. All comrades must fall into line.

Not this one Jacinda. Not in a million years.

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