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Labour’s Own ‘Cash for Access’ Scam Under Fire

Jacinda Ardern PM

The problem with oppositions is they tend to chase every passing car in the hope it gains some traction. Labour, the Greens and NZ First attacked National in 2014 for what they called ‘cash for access’ events where punters were charged hefty fees for dinners or lunches with cabinet ministers. National MPs called them “Cabinet Club”. They are perfectly legal but the then opposition went to town on National.

Now Labour are under fire for doing the exact same thing now that they are in government.

Labour  is charging wealthy business figures $1500-a-head to lunch with Prime  Minister Jacinda Ardern at its annual conference later this month.

The event mirrors the ‘cash-for-access’ Cabinet Club scandal which engulfed the National government in 2014.

Labour, the Greens and NZ First slammed  National for selling democracy  when the party encouraged supporters to give donations of up to  $10,000 in order to rub shoulders with senior ministers.

Although the fundraisers don’t break any rules, critics argue it gives  corporate movers and shakers and lobbyists access that is not available  to the public.


I am not calling them out. I am simply highlighting Labour’s rank hypocrisy at deriding the tactic while in opposition then deploying it once in government. But then again, Labour have always been the hypocrites’ party. Labour calls their cabinet club the President’s Club.

Simon Bridges shows his abject cowardice though with his response…

National leader Simon Bridges has said his party dumped Cabinet Club events in the wake of the scandal.

His statement isn’t at all true as they were still running them right up until the last election which was three years after Labour made the fuss.


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