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Latest 1News Poll Spells the End for Bridges

The latest 1News Colmar Brunton poll has been released and the numbers should put an end to the leadership of Simon Bridges.

Labour: 59% up 18% = 79 seats
National: 29% down 17% = 38 seats
Greens: 4.7%
NZFirst: 3%
Act:  2% = 3 seats

The damage continues in the Preferred Prime Minister ratings.

Jacinda Ardern: 63%
Simon Bridges: 5%
Judith Collins: 3%
Nikki Kaye: 0.4%
Todd Muller 0.2%

Not a good look for the wet pretenders.

And the Favourabiliity rating is dire as well.

Jacinda Ardern: 73% up 43%
Simon Bridges: -40% down 18%

Full analysis will be published tomorrow morning, but it is fair to say that the leadership of Simon Bridges has reached its natural conclusion.

Bear in mind that this is the same poll that everyone was saying was more accurate than Newshub, and also the same poll that had National and Act being able to form a government in February.
