
The Good Oil Daily Roundup
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The Scientific Fallacy That Spawned the Absolutism
Science requires us to challenge received ‘truth’ and seek out better evidence. But that questioning challenges our baked-in respect for authority.

Just Another Day at the ABC
Obfuscating, poisoning the well, burying key information… all their usual tricks.

How Dare We Ask Them to Work for Once
Public servants outraged at being asked to get off their arses and show up for work.
Ukraine’s Road to Perdition or Peace
Zelensky came to DC to sign the deal. He had countless opportunities to renegotiate it in advance. Instead, he chose to say bluntly that it would not work in front of the cameras. Everything depends on the goal.
And Now Ramadan Begins in Londonistan
As the influence of Christianity has declined, Islam has stepped in to fill the spiritual and moral vacuum. Britain is gradually becoming more Islamic year by year. This poses a challenge. Islamic ethics and values are not what made Britain great.

Choking on Lemon Myrtle and Goodwill
Government’s fingerprints are everywhere. Who paid for it? You, sucker – or rather, proudly brought to you by the government, the only growth industry left in this over-regulated wasteland.

Meth Lab Found in Kāinga Ora Chch Home
$10,000 clean up needed less than a year after construction.