When the going gets crazy, the crazy gets real. We live in crazy times, folks. Women have penises, men breastfeed, oops, “chest feed” babies, and black-shirted, violent, statist thugs call themselves “anti-fascists”.
In these crazy times, yesterday’s nutty conspiracy theory is today’s news. QAnon nutters insist that there is an elite cabal of paedophiles harvesting children’s bodily fluids to stay young? Crazy, right? Except for the roster of elite names lining up to ride Jeff Epstein’s “Lolita Express”, and the revelation that secretive clinics in Hollywood are hawking young peoples’ blood at 20 grand a litre.
And, of course, there’s the craziest, cray-cray-mother-of-all-conspiracy theories du jour: the utterly ridiculous, far-fetched, unhinged notion that China might have cooked up the Wuhan virus in a lab and either accidentally or deliberately unleashed it on the world.
What a looney-tunes, whackadoodle notion! Except…
Chinese military scientists discussed the weaponisation of SARS coronaviruses five years before the COVID-19 pandemic, outlining their ideas in a document that predicted a third world war would be fought with biological weapons.
The document, written by People’s Liberation Army scientists and senior Chinese public health officials in 2015[…] describes SARS coronaviruses as heralding a “new era of genetic weapons” and says they can be “artificially manipulated into an emerging human disease virus, then weaponised and unleashed in a way never seen before”.
This is not some kind of made-up Steele Dossier circulating on the interwebs: this is a genuine research paper from China’s top military science brass, obtained and released by the US State Department.
Some of China’s senior public health and military figures are listed among the 18 authors of the document, including the former deputy director of China’s Bureau of Epidemic Prevention, Li Feng. Ten of the authors are scientists and weapons experts affiliated with the Air Force Medical University in Xi’an, ranked “very high-risk” for its level of defence research, including its work on medical and psychological sciences, according to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Defence Universities Tracker[…]
Robert Potter, a digital forensics specialist who has worked for the US, Australian and Canadian governments, and has previously analysed leaked Chinese government documents, verified the authenticity of the paper.
“We were able to verify its authenticity as a document authored by the particular PLA researchers and scientists stated,” Mr Potter, the co-chief executive of Internet 2.0, said. “We were able to locate its genesis on the Chinese internet.”
Of course, the official narrative is still one of denial.
Intelligence agencies suspect COVID-19 may be the result of an inadvertent leak from a Wuhan laboratory, a line of inquiry under active investigation since early 2020. There is no evidence to suggest it was intentionally released.
The Australian
But, here’s the thing: would things have turned out any different if it was released deliberately?
Especially when we see how the Chinese were predicting such a biological attack would pan out.
Prepared by military scientists in 2015, the authors said biological weapons would “not only cause widespread morbidity and mass casualties but also induce formidable psychological pressure that could impact combat effectiveness”[…]
In a chilling echo of many states’ experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic, the authors note that the release of a bio-weapon could have secondary effects by placing enormous burdens on a country’s healthcare system. Using the example of an attack on a city of five million with 10 per cent of the population requiring hospitalisation, the document notes it could “cause the enemy’s medical system to collapse”.
It also outlines the ability for a bio-weapon attack to instil fear and have ongoing psychological and long-term impacts, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, on soldiers and first responders.
The Australian
We know for a fact that China was researching coronaviruses in bats, right up until the outbreak in Wuhan. We know that one of the researchers involved vanished without a trace when COVID broke out in Wuhan. Whistleblowers have said it came from the Wuhan lab. We now know that Chinese military scientists have for years been developing plans for biological warfare involving coronaviruses, including projecting some of the very outcomes we’ve seen happen in the worst outbreaks.
But, sure, tell me again that it’s just a crazy conspiracy theory that this was all planned.
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