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Leftwing-ese Dictionary: Version Two

I have updated The BFD Leftwing-ese Dictionary and invite you all dear readers to submit any other definitions that you think should be added to it in the comments.

Abortion: Women’s Health; also see Healthcare

ad infinitum: Te Tiriti.

Aim (with zero thought to how it will be achieved): Plan

An unsolicited and unwanted hug: Rape (see Trevor Mallard)

Anyone who isn’t a leftie: Alt-right

Bald face Lying: Contradictory information

Benefits: Entitlements

Boy racers: Car enthusiasts

Burglar: Collector of valuables enthusiast

Completely failed: Reset

Failed to meet targets: Readjustment

Failure to achieve on all major promised projects and doing something we never said we’d do (canning Taranaki oil and gas exploration): “Let’s do this”

Gang members: Men in their twenties

Gang member:  Facial art enthusiast, or jacket art enthusiast

Illegal migrants: Honorary Citizens

Large group of boy racers: Car enthusiast congregation

Law-abiding licenced gun owners: “small group of radical gun nuts”; see Stuart Nash

Let’s lie: “Let’s do this”

Male Maori: Male with olive skin

Male prisoners: Men in care

Maori prison population: Institutionalised racism; also see Colonialism

Outsourcing to working groups: Policy making

Procrastination: Discussion group/Working party

Pulling a woman’s ponytail: Sexual harassment

Random waffling with no actual information disclosed: Transparency

Reset: We admit we can’t do it

Rough vaginal penetration with fingers while being restrained on the floor without consent: Accusation not of a sexual nature

Screws: Carers

Sexual assault: Just drunken antics

Shoving your hands down someone’s pants and grabbing them by the genitals without their consent: Common Assault

Social Justice Bully: Social Justice Warrior

Tax: Love

Taxes: Levies

Tax take: Public money; also see Free stuff

Virtue signalling brown women: Women of colour

We’re seeking clarity: We hope it goes away.

While we were doing nothing in opposition: 9 years of neglect

Without your consent: “Let’s do this”

Words to ease a current emergency or garner votes (requires no follow-through): Promises
