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Legal Mask Exemption Is a Trojan Horse


This week Labour announced that legal mask exemptions are on their way.  But we already have legal mask exemptions, so why are new legal mask exemptions required?

Labour claim they are doing this to protect those with genuine mask exemptions from having to disclose their personal information.  However, that was never legally required, as clearly stated on the Ministry of Health website, and people just need to be educated about this.

Labour with its highly lauded communications capabilities and substantial budgets has not bothered to do this. When it is all boiled down, because of this lack of education, Labour has enabled a group of citizens to become fascist mask enforcing brown-shirts. The brown-shirts have been niggling away, “We should have the right to police this better,” “Lots of people are abusing the system,” on and on reported by the media ad nauseam – which then gives Labour the justification to bring in more controls.

By now most people have had either a first or second-hand experience of the dreaded Covid and it is clear that for most their fear has gone. The masses are becoming disengaged from mask-wearing. An example of this is the ANZAC service I attended at a high profile school. During last year’s lockdown, this school posted “Vaccinate Vaccinate” on all the school community-facing notice boards and published that 98%+ of the school community were vaccinated. Mask wearing inside the hall at the ANZAC service was less than 5%. So I believe it is not going to be possible to put this particular cat back in the bag unless Labour wants to incur some serious political backlash. But that isn’t Labour’s intention.

This new legal exemption will be available at the end of May. By that time Omicron will most probably have burnt out. We should be out of the traffic light system but, based on the government’s love of control we will only have been released to Green light.  So most people aren’t going to care about this latest creep towards totalitarianism – they will think it’s not going to impact them.

But think about it, why bring in something that is completely unnecessary in the fight against Covid when the war is already finished?

Ardern has said it’s important we have our toolkit for when we have the next pandemic, so this will be augmenting the toolkit.  So let’s look at this through a different lens. In human history, true global pandemics occur at intervals of about 100 years. Since we have just survived the big one, the next one shouldn’t be due till 2120. Looking at the technological advancements of the past 100 years, imagine how different the world will be in 2120. How well is the 2022 toolkit going to work then? It’s going to be as useful as 1920s builders’ tools would be on today’s building sites. Again, our legacy media and major opposition parties stay strangely silent about calling this out.

So this latest change isn’t required. It is clearly not about health; it’s about perpetuating the increasing division in our society. It’s about the advancement of control. It is a Trojan horse, ready to be deployed on an unsuspecting people sometime in the future when they are sleeping.


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