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Legally Businesses DO NOT Have to Contact Trace


I knew that any contract tracing app could not be forced onto me due to my right to privacy so I was very surprised to encounter Retail shops refusing to serve customers if they didn’t fill in all their personal details in a contact tracing book.

It turns out that Retail was initially told by the government that they had to force their customers to comply if they were to be allowed to open under level 2.

The government then did a flip flop no doubt after realising that New Media like The BFD would expose the edict as being toothless and unable to be legally enforced. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

We have learned the hard way that just because this government says that you must do something it doesn’t naturally follow that they have the force of the law behind them. By all means, respect authority but we must never stop questioning it.

The contact tracing rules make no sense at all. Even in level four, it wasn’t happening and now in level two supermarkets are still not doing it so what on earth is the point of telling businesses now to do it? It is as pointless and ineffective as Ardern trusting tourists at the border to voluntarily self-isolate.

The BFD-contact-tracing-business
The BFD Source:

This further erosion of our freedoms has enraged one person enough to create an entire website dedicated to naming and shaming the businesses who are refusing to allow customers inside their stores unless they comply and fill out their contact tracing book.

[…] New Zealand has “flattened the curve” and lost its Democracy.
[…] The COVID-19 Public Health Response Bill that was just enacted gives the government, and particularly the PM, unprecedented Police powers and control over the entire nation…without your consent:
The PM can dictate when and where you can go to places and do things (like go to church, play sports).
The Police can now enter your house WITHOUT a warrant.
The PM/Health Director can FORCE you to undergo medical testing procedures at any time.
You or your children can be forcibly removed from your family, for ‘your safety’.
The original bill was to be in power for two years. Now that has been changed to “when COVID-19 is ‘finished'”, which may be never.
[…] Security and Privacy Rights are Being Breached
Paper Register
If you don’t have a phone, you are being forced to put your personal details on a paper register and sign it.
That register is TOTALLY VISIBLE TO EVERYBODY who comes into that store and can be easily photographed.
This happened at a Subway in Auckland:
Restaurant Worker Suspended After Using Customer’s Coronavirus Contact Tracing Details to Hit on Her

There are at least three ways we can deal with this here in New Zealand. Some have videoed themselves having it out with staff who refuse to let them enter the store unless they comply, forcing the staff to call for police to intervene. I think that this is not the best way to deal with the situation as the staff are only doing what their boss has told them to do. They are doing their job and it is not fair to berate them or to waste police time.

As adults, we still have a choice here in New Zealand. If you are refused entry then shop where you are welcome. You do not have to shop there. If you wish, you could print out a copy of the rules to try to educate the store that the government’s edict has now changed and that they will not get in trouble if they allow you your freedom.

Honestly, I feel far too much for the businesses to want to make their lives any harder than they are already. The government has killed many of them and others are on life support. They need our support not our anger.

If all else fails have some fun as I do. I have a special name that I use to sign the book with. It is Ardin Errlee, Covid St Unit 19.

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