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As mobs of ovine, bovine leftists in Australia and New Zealand “rally against” the US Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, it’s an open question just what they actually thought they were achieving.

The Supreme Court ruling is done and dusted. No amount of stamping and temper-tantrums even in the US is going to overturn it for the foreseeable future. Yowling and waving flappy arms in Melbourne or Wellington will achieve even less.

Of course, that was never the point of the “rallies”. It’s all just theatre-cum-sheltered workshop. The left live for this stuff. It’s the only thing that gives their pathetic little lives a semblance of meaning.

It’s certainly not as if they know anything about the Current Thing they’re screeching about.

Most of the likely state-based abortion restrictions that the left are working themselves into such a foaming lather about are positively liberal by the standard of the civilised world. What American “liberals” call “reproductive rights” are an industrial-scale horror-show.

An undercover investigator has obtained hidden camera footage from an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., that raises grave ethical concerns.

The candid video, taken by a 28-week-pregnant woman, reveals a nurse saying that the babies they abort do not receive digoxin — a lethal injection given to infants in utero during an abortion to ensure the baby is not born alive during the procedure. This increases the chances of a baby being born alive and possibly being illegally killed after birth.

This is what “liberal” pro-abortionists euphemistically call “partial birth abortion”, which means starting to deliver the baby and killing it while it’s on the way out.

The nurse also told the patient she may deliver the deceased child in her hotel room after the procedure; and furthermore that the doctor would not speak to her until she took Xanax, a mind-altering drug, prescribed by the clinic. This raises ethical concerns about how the clinic obtains proper consent. The patient has since filed a formal medical complaint.

To be fair, “mind-altering” is loaded language, but Xanax is indeed a pretty heavy-duty drug. Xanax is a benzodiazapine drug: a class of psychoactive medications that includes Librium and Valium. At the very least it’d knock someone half-out and heavily impair their judgement.

Not exactly a medication you’d administer to someone who is supposed to be giving informed consent to a procedure.

Abortionist Cesare Santangelo, who runs the Surgi-Clinic, has been under scrutiny in recent months after prolife activists found five late-term aborted babies being disposed of as medical waste from the clinic. Some were deemed by medical experts to have likely been viable births.

Live Action shared the experts’ conclusions: An incision behind the neck of one baby girl, between 28–30 weeks’ gestation, indicated she was possibly killed via the federally banned D&X abortion procedure, more commonly known as partial-birth abortion. Her neck was cut and brain removed. An intact baby boy, who may have been nearly full-term, may have been the victim of infanticide. Another baby, found in her gestational sac, may have been born alive and left to die; while two other children, a boy and a girl, about 22 weeks and 28 weeks respectively, were found brutally dismembered, indicating D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortions.

The Epoch Times

This is as far from “safe, legal and rare” as it’s possible to get.

Remember, when pro-abortion activists start screaming at you about “rape and incest”, that rape or incest are the reason for less than 1% of abortions. It’s a ludicrously off-topic argument.

The all-too-often reality of abortion in America is that industrial-scale scrape houses are literally drugging women and killing and dismembering what should have been live babies.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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