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fact train

Let me take you on a little journey through the latest Covid statistics. I like to call this the fact train. Like all train journeys it starts at the station.

The seven day rolling average shows that 86% of new cases are vaxxed/boosted. It also shows that 83% of hospitalisations are vaxxed/boosted.

That protection really works doesn’t it?

The boosted are now very close to double the deaths of the unvaxxed.

And it isn’t the unvaxxed taking up hospital beds; it’s the vaxxed and boosted. They are 4.5 times more than the unvaxxed. It won’t be very long until boosted overtakes fully vaxxed for the lead in hospitalisations.

But, hey, good news…”you won’t get sick and you won’t die” if you are vaccinated:

Ahem… now Jethro knows his missus is a liar too

It is now so obvious that I shouldn’t really have to step you all through this.

But here’s the thing: if the vaccines work, and masks work, how come the virus is still spreading?

The answer is simple…the vaccines are duds, and who knows what long term damage has been done as a result. Masks are a control device, and there isn’t a single study anywhere in the world that shows that they are effective. I’d love someone to embarrass themselves by saying “But, what about Bangladesh?”. Read for yourself how that study revealed all too clearly the utter failure of mask wearing.

But there’s no avoiding it: The benefits of universal masking have been difficult to quantify. One controlled study in Bangladesh showed a small but statistically significant benefit – among people who consistently used masks, 7.6% got symptomatic infections compared to 8.6% in the control group. Other studies have been inconclusive.


A 1% difference! There are no studies worldwide that support masking. When the idiot who is our Prime Minister says “Follow the Science”, what she really means is ‘do as you are told.’

Masks are about control. You can end that by simply refusing to comply. Be like me. Just stop wearing them if you still do. Become militant if you have to. Enjoy the freedom, like me.

So, while Jacinda Ardern says, “Clarke just tested positive for Covid. That means we will be having a nice family week at home”, remember they’d just had a ‘nice family week’ at the family bach at Tairua just over a week ago.

Until very recently that one case would have been her reason to lock the country down for two years, and completely devastate New Zealand’s economy and thousands of businesses – as well as the thousands who committed suicide due to fear generated by her.

Now, the media wet their pants over a fake Mother’s Day card and Clarke having the sniffles. Spare me.

Why are we still languishing with silly restrictions, pointless mask mandates and evil vaccine mandates still in place?

The rest of the world is getting on with life, while the majority of Kiwis are still quivering in fear of a disease that is less lethal than the seasonal flu, which is what I said right from the get-go.

The gig is up. We are no longer the tyrant’s playthings. Now we can concentrate on clearing out all the dead shits in parliament who ALL trampled on our rights and freedoms in a blind panic over a bloody cold.

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