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I don’t care about the “no-one knows who Muller is” pile-on. I don’t care if he’s endorsed by the poison touch of Bolger. I don’t care that he “compromised” with the green zealots over climate change regulation. I see someone who was prepared do something, to put himself forward and to confront the leadership vacuum. Someone prepared to say “this situation is not good enough”, roll up his sleeves and say “let’s get on with it – now”.

Mr Bridges, for all his many talents, was not the man for this season, our coming long winter of discontent and reverses. Likeable as he may be to many, he had not the political nous or cut-through to strip the facade from the gaggle of utter incompetents presently in power.

As for National retaining the large voting bloc of mid-40% according to the pollsters until recently; were they Blue voters because of Mr Bridges, or in spite of him?

That this new bloke Muller was prepared to stand up and say “the emperor has no clothes” to his own party leader tells us he will have no problem informing Ardern & Co’s travelling circus of the same, and while Muller/Kaye may be about to travel into the unknown, Bridges/Bennett were destined to travel into the abyss.

I wish the new leadership well in their bid to recover the support of our vital middle voters. Reality will overtake Ardern’s only plan, which is to say — nothing. She doesn’t have one apart from preserving her personal brand at any cost. I have faith that the average voter knows our economy is now dans la merde thanks to lockdown and that we cannot spend our way out of this hole.

Good luck with getting that message across to the voters Mr Muller, I hope they see you as the voice of reason, as opposed to Ardern’s voice of emotion.

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