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Letter of Complaint to NZ Herald

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition Team

To the NZ Herald Editor

We wish to make a complaint about the article that the NZ Herald ran yesterday that was written by David Fisher.

A copy of this article is also attached in its original form, in case any changes have since been made online.

We take issue with the following:

  • Photos of The Freedoms & Rights Coalition have been used throughout this article, implying that this article refers to protests we facilitate.  Our name is also referred to in the captions. These photos show the faces of good, honest, upstanding Kiwis. All protests we have hosted have been peaceful.  We do not take any responsibility for any protests not officially organised and promoted by us.
  • This article is inciting hatred towards The Freedoms & Rights Coalition members with an intent to bring discrimination upon them.
  • This article is trying to ‘create’ terrorists within this country, and spur fringe individuals into action.  Shame on the NZ Herald for such despicable tactics.
  • This article is not based on any facts.  There has been no change in the country’s threat level. Since when did David Fisher become a prophet? The only thing he is, is a Prophet of Doom. For all we know he could be the very one staging a violent incident at a future event. Let it be on his head, and his responsibility if anything ever occurs.
  • This article is gutter journalism and reveals MSM’s unhealthy salivating for violent protests to occur all for the sake of a good story.  This lacks integrity and common decency within MSM.
  • Has the Christchurch massacre not taught MSM anything?  Terrorism activity should never be tolerated or encouraged.  No wonder many now refer to MSM as the real terrorists in this country.  MSM is doing more harm than good, and you do it every day of the week.

We have copied a lot of media agencies into this email, one, to embarrass David Fisher amongst his peers for this rubbish journalism, and two, in the hope there are some decent journalists left in this country who will publicly call him out for this BS.

It is well overdue that some individuals within MSM would start to hold each other to a higher account than what we’re currently seeing. New Zealanders deserve better from MSM than this.

Please note we are also reporting this article to the NZ Police. Please also note we will be reporting this matter to the NZ Media Council. We have also instructed our legal representatives to take action against David Fisher.

We expect that this article is removed in its entirety immediately, and within 10 days The Freedoms & Rights Coalition expects to receive a full public apology and public retraction for this article.

Yours sincerely

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang
