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Dear Editor

Politicians are inviting electricity chaos in Australia by promoting the closure of coal-fired power stations, but also promoting more electric cars – more demand, less supply.

And Green energy is a wild bull in the electricity china shop.

Around mid-day on most sunny days, millions of roof-top solar panels pump electricity into the grid, often pushing prices too low for rational generators to continue supplying power. With booming subsidised green energy, more Australian coal generators will be forced to close.

Demand for electricity peaks twice per day – once for toast and coffee at breakfast time, and again for air conditioners, dinner and TV at night. Solar contributes ZERO to this demand, and the contribution of wind power is erratic. And for long periods, our expensive sprawl of green power lines are also idle.

Check here to see where electricity comes from in Queensland (“the Sunshine State”) OpenNEM: Queensland

When faced with generator closures, the only suggestion from industry leaders is to sanitise coal power with “Carbon Capture and Burial”. This is energy-wasting nonsense, with Zero Benefits.

At the same time, the Green/ALP coalition wants to see Australians buying heaps more electric cars. They promote rising demand for electricity, with falling reliability and supply.

The Green Energy Express is about to hit the Wall of Blackouts.

Viv Forbes
Washpool, Qld, Australia

Further Reading:

Kevin Rudd wins the Golden Fleece Award for Carbon Capture Waste:

The Global Boom in Coal Power:
