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Dear Editor

Yesterday’s article #metoo Has a Lot to Answer for spoke well to the hypocrisy of TVNZ in its handling of the Kamahl Santamaria episode.

Aside from showing how warped TVNZ’s priority-setting is by their placement of this story at the top of the 6 o’clock news, it also exposed their conflicted position and their inability to take as good as they get.

I fail to see how a MSM giant (by NZ standards) can expose the matter, report on the matter, and attempt to internally shut down leaks to the media on the matter, all the while being the employer and reporter at the same time, without being in a position of conflict of interest.

Are they trying to win favour with the public by reporting their own incompetence, and in doing so leading us to believe they are independent? If they were, it failed. Dismally.

The bleating from TVNZ senior management about the tough time they have been given over this problem is laughable when their stock and trade is to achieve the very same thing with many companies and people; all with the aim of “reporting”.

The result of senior management’s dictate to staff not to leak to the media was, yep, leaks to the media. Something else they whimper about having happened.

Welcome to the world you create every day, TVNZ.

