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Letter to the Editor: Business Travel across Levels

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I run three food manufacturing businesses based in Christchurch (HO) and two other sites one in Auckland and one in Hamilton.

I have travelled to Auckland from Christchurch to our Auckland and Hamilton sites as soon as level 3 in Auckland came into effect last month and completed the appropriate Government travel document via the COVID website. It was quite easy and allowed us to carry out our business.

On Monday I applied for three travel requests for 3 people to travel from Hamilton to Christchurch. Even though the levels have been downgraded these requests were refused by MPI. These people needed to be in Christchurch so we can plan and simply run our business as best we can.

I just wanted to know if other people are facing this same issue which is ridiculous as all we are doing is bringing people from level 3 to 2. The people all had covid tests which were negative but I cannot comprehend how this government can play God when they have no concept of what it actually takes to run a food business let alone with COVID restrictions in place as we are doing it very tough.



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