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Letter to the Editor: Coming Ready or Not

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

With an absolute majority, a large Maori caucus, and those Labour MPs who hold Maori seats afraid of losing their seats to the extremist Maori Party unless they are seen to promote Maori interests above any others, this Government will be pushed to install as much Maori privilege as possible in the next three years.

Labour will take advantage of a situation which wasn’t supposed to happen under MMP – and may never recur.

Some actions have already taken place – or are underway. Some are certain to happen, some are probable and some are likely. Some they really want to implement but they know it will create a huge shit fight if they try.

Some are actually on the Maori Takeover Agenda, but the Maori activists realise the general public is not ready to accept their control in the near future. This is why the re-education and softening-up propaganda process will intensify, so as to prepare for the future change to so-called co-governance.

Many of the proposed changes are serious and real constitutional changes that could be installed ‘under the radar’.

They will certainly not be allowed to enter the democratic process of public referenda – where they would almost certainly be comprehensively defeated.

Seemingly small or minor changes to laws and regulations can actually have profound and permanent effects. This strategy is called Gradualism.

Here are a few examples of how New Zealand’s democratic landscape has been altered without public input or even pre-action knowledge :

  • Making ALL those with even a tiny amount of Maori ancestry defined as Maori, thus increasing the Maori seats in Parliament from four to seven currently. The blood quantum, until 1974, was previously 50 per cent.
  • Sending Pita Sharples to sign the UNDRIP in 2010 and thus giving Maori superior rights including veto powers (CIA/CVA) over any land they may have occupied for a short time in the past, even though that land was freely sold and is now privately owned. At the time, John Key declared this to be “aspirational”. This was a complete lie, as many of the UNDRIP ‘rights’ have now been installed into New Zealand domestic law.
  • Sneakily changing the requirement for the near equality of electorates, from being based on those old enough to vote, to being based on total population. Since Maori generally have more children than average, the purpose of this was to tip the balance, so as to create another Maori seat.

Here’s more for the list – Maori activists’ aspirations that have already happened or are most likely to happen:

  • Removal of petitions to force a public poll on Maori wards (First phase has recently been achieved in Parliament)
  • Matariki to be a public holiday in 2022 (a bribe to workers and a sop to Maori)
  • Co-governance of DOC (This is essentially in place now)
  • Preferential treatment for Maori/Pacifika for surgery (already in place whether publicly declared or not)
  • Priority given to Maori/Pasifika for the Covid-19 vaccine
  • A census form that is designed to raise the number of those who identify as Maori
  • New Zealand history curriculum to be used in schools as a biased propaganda tool
  • The new RMA to enforce the ‘principles’ of the Treaty of Waitangi  on local bodies
  • Te Reo instruction to be essentially compulsory in schools (whether formally announced or not)
  • Compulsory Maori wards for all local bodies (2nd phase)
  • Road signs to all be bilingual (costly and just plain stupid as well as potentially dangerous to motorists attempting to decipher directions in a split-second decision)
  • Government documents to be a mixture of Maori and English (not separate te Reo/English versions)
  • All English place names to have a Maori version (but will Maori place names have an English translation?)
  • Maori seats in Parliament to be entrenched
  • More ‘partnership,’ Tino Rangatiratanga and Treaty ‘obligations’ in all law (despite the fact that not a skerrick of evidence for ‘partnership’ exists in any 1840 Treaty document – and never will do)
  • More multi meaning and vaguely defined Maori words in law and regulations
  • Co-governance of fresh water (under smoke screen of the transfer of all waters to a new Government ministry)
  • Rahui to be enforceable on non-Maori (imposition of Maori animist spiritual concepts on to everyone else)
  • Maori Crown Relations, Te Arawhiti, becomes Maori Crown Partnership (this name prevented from being brought into practice by NZ First’s Winston Peters)
  • Separate courts for Maori offenders (in place now)
  • Tikanga law/bi-jural law in New Zealand (Joe Williams, now a Supreme Court judge, openly supports this)
  • Voting rights for appointed Maori on full council/s (not just committees)
  • Remove the “exclusive use” section  in MACA (so as to enable most of New Zealand’s coastline to be under Maori control)
  • Private land to be subject to Treaty claims (Ihumātao repeated)
  • All Treaty settlements to be open to constant re-negotiation (abandon ‘full and final’ settlement)
  • Aotearoa to be the new name for our country (forced on the public, who will not be asked to vote on the issue)
  • Four-year term for central and local government
  • All those identifying as Maori to be automatically put on the Maori Roll (So there will be 12 Maori parliamentary seats)
  • Te Reo to be compulsory for Government jobs (cultural training programmes already underway)
  • MPs to swear Parliamentary Oath to “Honour the Treaty”
  • Tikanga law/bi-jural law in New Zealand (Joe Williams, now a Supreme Court judge, openly supports this)
  • Declaration of Independence (1835) to be incorporated constitutionally (He Whakaputanga – even though there was no Congress and the DoI was made void by the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840)
  • The politicisation of the Police (already well in motion)

Non-government problems that can be expected

  • Widespread land occupations as a tool to extract concessions (note that Police appear to pick and choose which demonstrators are to be removed – and which are not)
  • A pandemic of propaganda, lies, distortion by MSM, Maori Party, iwi and the woke
  • More and more te Reo used on supposed English language TV, radio, events (and will get worse)
  • Cancel culture, de-platforming and removal of any dissenters
  • Labelling any resistance as white supremacy and privilege, colonisation and racism
  • Introduction by private companies of cultural training and diversity programmes

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