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Letter to the Editor: COVID Dishonesty

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I would like to thank you as one, or maybe the only, voice calling this wayward government to account. I am of the opinion that we are being lied to, or at the very least, our government are slaves to groupthink regarding the pandemic and the way forward.

I believe we should get the alternative approach out there for people to take notice, and make up their own minds, so please allow me to refer you to the following webpage:
It might be a conspiracy theory, but it is amazing that when you look at the progress on potential drugs Ivermectin is not even mentioned.

Could it be that the problem is that it costs around a $ per treatment whereas the others can run into 1000’s of $s per treatment?

It would be great if you could somehow also draw attention to the Bret Weinstein podcast on the Darkhorse Podcast on June 1 titled COVID, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century: Darkhorse Podcast with Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein.

These reports do make you think, don’t they?



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