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Letter to the Editor: COVID Vaccinations

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

It’s easy to see that this Labour Government is in charge of the Covid vaccinations as the easy way to organise them was ignored and, as per usual, a complete mess has emerged.

Like Jacinda ‘I will fix child poverty’ Ardern and Megan ‘I will fix the housing crisis’ Woods, they are absolutely hopeless at organising anything.

This country has been giving flu vaccinations from GPs for many years and it works. How could it have been so hard to follow that model?

I got my vaccination by calling my local vaccination centre and went when I was told and got my first injection. I then received a text telling me when my second would be given. Soon after getting that text, I got a text telling me to arrange my first injection by going to a website. I ignored that text and had my second injection and I was now fully vaccinated.

The day after I got my second injection I received another text saying I had ignored the text that told me how to get my vaccination even though I was now fully vaccinated. As per usual with this government the right hand is not telling the left hand what it’s doing.

Jacinda Ardern and her government are probably the worst procrastinators I have witnessed in the 71 years I have lived and it seems to worsen daily.

Wellington is again in lockdown and flights to Australia are being cancelled.

How the Prime Minister can actually say “I am proud of what my government has achieved” is beyond belief.

Hopefully, Winston Peters will take them to task over their failure to disclose the He Puapua papers. It’s certainly an act that could have really changed the election result and Willie Jackson has all but admitted that they hid them from NZ First. It was a totally underhanded act by an underhanded government.


Don T

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