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Letter to the Editor: Fly the Flag for New Zealand

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

As a Kiwi and proud of our country I have watched with ever greater despair the direction and downward spiral that our country has been taking over the last decade. I have felt powerless to bring about a change to this direction as, without limitless funds, the opportunity of any individual to effect change is practically nil.

I attended the Freedom and Rights Coalition Rally in New Plymouth and saw a large number of people prepared to turn out and stand up, knowing that there are probably thousands who did not attend but feel likewise. However many may not be prepared to outwardly display their thoughts for their own valid reasons.

So in what way can we, the people, protest against this government and all politicians without nailing our flag to one mast where a specific view can be vilified?

Let’s proudly fly our New Zealand flag but fly it UPSIDE DOWN as a sign that New Zealand is in distress.

Flying the NZ flag  UPSIDE DOWN is a sign that New Zealand is in distress.

This would be an effective way to display our own distress at the direction our country is taking and would cover all the various issues we have with those in power.  Many people may not know what the upside down flag means and this could prove a really valuable way of initiating a discussion.

Successful movements to effect change, although not necessarily for a positive long-term outcome, were the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon and the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine.

Flags of various sizes and ways to hang them can be obtained from your local discount shops at really economical prices, so a lack of funds should be no barrier.


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