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Letter to the Editor: Healthcare Prejudice

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I ended up in hospital in 2018  because I could not afford to see a doctor. Seeing a dentist is impossible. Cancer of the mouth then becomes a real risk from rotting teeth.

What is NOT known but what is commonly assumed, is that if one is unemployed you are on the dole. NOT SO. I have just had to remonstrate with Westpac on this very issue but I was told I was lying.
If your spouse earns $44K or thereabouts then there is no entitlement to anything apart from accommodation supplement.

The woman at Westpac told me that was nothing and I said that is what we live on.  She replied I can’t see how you can live on that.

There is a whole cohort of men 55 plus who fall into his trap. But there has been a displacement of men and they are treated as disposable.
I would love to be working but the barrier to entry is gender and age bias by HR.

In the Wokus Pocus of hearing people’s “voices”, middle-aged male voices don’t count – male pale and stale – all the prejudices in one sentence!

I sometimes think that the new socialism is predominantly a female thing.

There are also women in this trap too and they got some traction in articles during Covid but it has fallen by the wayside.



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