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Letter to the Editor: My Local Bowls Club Has Opened Up Its Greens since Level 3

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

My local bowls club has opened up its greens since Level 3. The conditions adhere to those of the Covid-19 website, which refers to the SportsNZ website. The Bowls NZ website also lists the same conditions. These are that players can only play within their household bubbles, there must be a spare rink between bubbles to maintain the 2m distance, bookings must be made in advance to prevent overcrowding, the Clubrooms must be closed, and communal equipment such as mats and jacks cannot be used.

man in gray pants standing on green grass field during daytime
Photo by Mark Timberlake. The BFD.

This morning the greens were as full as permitted – 4 household bubbles within the 8 rink green. Play was stopped when the local constabulary intervened and told the players to disperse, as they were breaking Covid regulations. The policeman involved said there had been a complaint by a cyclist passing by, and he was not interested in looking at the websites which clearly showed the activity to be permitted.

Ironically, when I travelled out today I saw four cyclists who were not together all stopped at the same traffic lights within 2 m of each other, none with masks. I also saw a playground being used, and a number of participants playing basketball. Sigh…

Of course, what will happen now is that the bowls club will NOT take bookings, and let a free-for-all ensue. Nice work, NZ Police.

For your interest, here are the websites that prove that it is okay to play bowls at Level 3.


Permitted movement within Alert Level 3 Personal movement within Alert Level 3 is limited, except for the permitted reasons.
Sports and recreation Advice on playing sports and other recreational activities at each of the Alert Levels.
Play, Active Recreation and Sport at Alert Level 3 | Sport New Zealand – Ihi Aotearoa Under Alert Level 3 there is High risk the disease is not contained. You need to stay within your region and stick to your bubble.

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