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Letter to the Editor: School Stabbing at Waitakere College

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

Just thought I’d write and let you know the details about the stabbing that happened outside Waitakere College last week. My child is in year 12 there at the moment and we were emailed about this incident happening at around 4 pm right outside the school gate. We were told the next day.

Although the school email to parents did not reveal the details of what happened, my child told me. A couple of car loads of Kelston Boys’ senior students drove over to Waitakere College with the sole purpose of attacking one of our students. It resulted in a Waitakere student being stabbed in the neck by a Kelston boy.

It was mistaken identity, so the victim had no idea what was happening anyway. Luckily he is still alive. Apparently, the actual target and the victim look very alike. It was all over something said on social media that upset Kelston boys.

Here’s the good part…… my child told me today that this student who did the stabbing is in year 12/13 at Kelston Boys. All the kids know who he is. Information has surfaced that he only received a 30-day suspension from school for doing this. I think it’s absolutely disgusting of Kelston to let him off with such a soft penalty, and why wasn’t he arrested and criminally charged as an adult too by Police?

This is attempted murder. This sends a wrong message to students as well. I was quite angry hearing this. I would be even angrier if it was my child who was the victim. Very scary stuff. Thirty days is nothing to ferals who mostly wag school anyway.


A Concerned Parent

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