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Letter to the Editor: Stuff Sells Out

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

This latest Stuff campaign might be of interest to you:

This Stuff campaign has received funding from the Google News Initiative

How much funding can I apply for:

Google will fund selected projects up to $1M each, covering up to 80% of the total overall budget of the project. Applicants cannot ask for an amount higher than 50% of their annual total income (Please note, this should reflect the combined annual income of partners for collaborative projects and include revenue generated as well as donations, philanthropy support etc).

The overall budget should be consistent depending on what you’re trying to achieve as well as the size of your organization. Projects of any size will be considered and our strong recommendation is to provide a total budget which is reasonable and proportionate to the project.

The jury might decide to lower or increase the amount of funding provided and special discretion on the total project cap may be considered by the jury depending on the scale and impact of a very large collaborative effort. Payments will be done in two installments over the course of this year based on clear milestones.

Won’t this create a conflict of interest for Stuff to truthfully report on vaccine-related matters?

As an aside, it’s great to see Lynda Wharton of The Health Forum NZ share some of your un-biased stories on her media platforms with a following of approximately 26k on Facebook and a growing 5.5k on MeWe.

All the best


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