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Letter to the Editor: The Stupid Party and the Evil Party

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

why is it that the large number of New Zealanders who are becoming increasingly cynical and disenchanted by the deteriorating state of affairs feel unable to mount any effective form of resistance?

One reason may be that the Labour government has very effectively used the COVID pandemic to bolster its almost unassailable position of power.

And, let’s face it, most New Zealanders have a “non-revolutionary mentality”, when compared to the loud, socialist-inspired supporters of the fundamental changes being wrought in our country.

Also, there seems to be a lamentable ideological confusion, a lack of definition, a refusal to “plant sticks in the sand” from our major opposition party.

As much as I hold this current crop (especially the sanctimonious Greens) in a state bordering on contempt, I am not currently planning on doing a tactical vote to try and destroy the Labour Party, so if ACT still exist come next election I will probably vote for them even though I would not expect them to win.

But if they did not exist… who knows?

As many have observed as of late, after the last year and a half, the differences between the Stupid Party and the Evil Party have narrowed considerably, so perhaps the unthinkable is becoming thinkable.



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