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Lighting the Fuse for Freedom

The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

On 10 November Dr Matt Shelton of NZDSOS was interviewed on Australia’s TNT Radio. He discussed issues surrounding mRNA vaccines, medical freedom, censorship and more, with Jeremy Beck (for Mike Ryan).

This is an intelligent, informative and principled discussion comprehensively outlining the concerns that the doctors and scientists at NZDSOS share, including (but not limited to):

  • Plans to build mRNA vaccine manufacturing facilities in Australia and New Zealand;
  • How the mRNA platform differs from traditional vaccines;
  • Benefits (industry profits) and risks (population health) of the mRNA vaccines;
  • Reproductive risks (outlined in our press release on 1 November 2022);
  • Experiences of doctors and health professionals in relation to mandates, removal of practitioner rights, overwhelmed systems, and the risks of speaking out;
  • What some of the solutions are.

Listen: Dr Shelton Discussing mRNA Vaccines

Dr Shelton’s courage and commitment to medical ethics are reflected well during the half hour discussion. The interview begins at 18 minutes into the episode.
