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Look at This Creepy Little Copper

The jackbooted enforcers of Jacinda Ardern’s dictatorship were out in force at yesterday’s freedom protest in Auckland but were hopelessly out numbered by thousands of freedom-loving Aucklanders.

A couple of our own roving reporters were in attendance and captured these images of a creepy little copper who was taking pictures of those in attendance:

Obviously our intrepid journalist got up the snout of the creepy little copper.

The mainstream media has labelled this as illegal and against level 3 lockdown rules.

Auckland City District Commander superintendent Shanan Gray said the gathering of around 2000 people at the Auckland Domain was in breach of alert level 3 restrictions, which limits gatherings to weddings, funerals and tangihanga with no more than 10 people.

How many people gathered at all of the “Super Saturday” events? There were way more than 10!

Yet the media have promoted those events.

How many people gathered at all of the vaccination centres and all of the fast food outlets that were offering free food for a jab?

Everybody who attended a Super Saturday event with more than 10 people present should be arrested and prosecuted if Superintendent Shanan Gray is to be believed.

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.
