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Looks like We’re on Our Own, Australia

Australia is being left to stand alone against the global bully. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I recently wrote, Australia has, like it or not, become the pivotal power in facing down China. China’s diplomatic and trade bullying of Australia, and the Morrison government’s firm resolve not to cave, has made us the focus of global efforts to check the increasing efforts of the last communist great power.

As Professor Clive Hamilton wrote, if Australia buckled to Chinese pressure, the message would be clear: “only the US can resist and who knows for how long”.

Well, we know the answer to that, now: until the 20th of January. Joe Biden’s latest cabinet pick signals that America is giving up on containing China and returning to the spineless Obama policy of appeasement.

Australia stands alone.

And, like the idiot crowd cheering Neville Chamberlain and his “piece of paper”, the establishment “conservatives” in the Australian media are swooning with delight.

The news that US president-elect Joe Biden will appoint Kurt Campbell as Asia tsar in his White House is the best thing that has happened for Australia since the Democrat triumphed over Don­ald Trump in the presidential ­election[…]

He does not favour containment of China but is a tough-minded advocate of co-operating with Beijing where possible and competing and confronting where necessary.

“Where necessary” meaning “never”. Every Chinese outrage during the Obama era, when last this swamp creature haunted the White House, was let pass without consequence.

Beijing certainly has his measure.

Although he is not an advocate of containment, favouring co-operation with Beijing where possible and tough-minded competition where necessary, the Chinese nickname for him was “Dr Containment”.

The rest of the Biden foreign policy cabinet is a case of back to the Obama future, as even the Never-Trumper Sheridan admits:

The whole Biden administration looks Atlanticist, multilateralist, retro and a bit soft and feeble.

The Australian

Should we really expect anything else, especially as regards China? The plain fact is that, not only are the Democrats hopelessly weak towards China, but that their next president is fatally compromised. As the emails retrieved from his laptop show, Hunter Biden chased lucrative deals with a prominent Chinese company linked to the Chinese military and intelligence services. The deal was to include millions in payola for the Biden family. One of those in line for a cut was the mysterious “big guy”.

Hunter Biden’s man in China has since been “disappeared” by the regime and his company wound up. So China has some potentially very incriminating dirt on the Biden family and its otherwise unnamed “big guy”.

The upshot of all this is that Australia can no longer solidly rely on its biggest ally to back it against the communist bully – and the miserable Quislings of the “conservative” establishment are witlessly cheering it on, giddy with joy that the hated Bad Orange Man is gone. No matter that the Bad Orange Man was the clearest-eyed American leader to face off China in decades.

The swamp is back and Australia is being isolated.

Taiwan better keep an eye out for Chinese warships on the horizon, too.

Australia is being left to stand alone against the global bully. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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