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By The Sailor

Quite a  lot of Brits see nothing good about staying in the EU. A distinct majority in fact, and almost certainly more now than the 17.4 million who voted Leave in the referendum, due to large numbers of borderline Remainers having their eyes opened as to what exactly is at stake. The Brexit Party’s massive result in the EU Mickey Mouse parliament elections showed that clearly.

I am an Englishman and I brought my family over to New Zealand nearly fifteen years ago because I could see exactly what the EU  was turning into and, at that time, there was no inkling of anything other than ever-increasing subjugation to the sort of European dictatorship that my father’s generation fought and died to save their children from. I did not want my children growing up in that.

The Remainers appear to be in the majority because they make so much noise; a great deal of it so offensive that in any country not run by Lefties, they would be arrested. They, and all their legally and constitutionally dubious efforts to deny the people the freedom and independence that they voted for, are a disgrace. If Britain does get out of that European cesspit, all the MP Remainers should be deported back into it. The problem is that all the opposition parties that have been screaming for a General Election almost daily for three years, have suddenly changed their minds on reading the polls, which predict a near-landslide for Boris Johnson. There is thus not the slightest chance of them agreeing to one.

The fact that this should perhaps be telling them all something about the wishes of the people – whom every one of them has sworn to serve – clearly does not cross their EU-washed  brains.

I don’t know what will happen, but I do not think it will be pretty. If Boris pulls off a clean Brexit, the majority of the people will be ecstatic, and the Opposition MPs will be taken away in the  little yellow van, as we used to say in Liverpool.

The EU will immediately instigate a campaign of terror to frighten the Brits into begging to go back in, and the other countries that have finally woken up to what the EU truly is, will follow the Brits in unravelling that despotic horror show that seeks to subjugate all the peoples of Europe, just as the last European dictatorship did.

If Boris fails and Britain is trapped in the EU ad infinitum I would not be surprised to see similar scenes in London to those currently in Hong Kong; and for similar reasons. If not immediately, then certainly when the Lisbon Treaty starts to bite, and Corpus Juris joins the European Arrest Warrant (cf Chinese Arrest Warrant) to sweep away the final remnants of what was probably the most civilised and freedom-respecting Common Law the World has ever known. It will be an absolute tragedy.


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