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Mainstream Media Blasted for Ignoring Antifa Violence

Journalist Andy Ngo is peacefully attacked by a peaceful Antifa assembly. The BFD.

However the 2020 presidential election pans out, once the lawsuits and investigations are done, there is one clear loser of this election night: the mainstream media. Of course, trust in the media has been falling for decades, but the trend went into hyperdrive during the Trump presidency, when the mainstream media lost its collective mind.

Most notably, the mainstream media studiously ignored the rampant left-wing violence that raged across America. “Peaceful protests” chirped reporters as cities literally burned behind them.

They’re still at it.

Conservatives criticized members of the media for failing to cover violence against President Trump’s supporters at the so-called Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

“I want to hear Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemn Antifa/BLM criminals who assaulted and harassed peaceful demonstrators in DC today, including elderly and families,” political strategist Doug Stafford wrote on Twitter on Saturday. “Of course they won’t. And ‘media’ won’t make them.”

Biden famously denied that Antifa exists, while Harris tweeted support for bail funds for violent rioters. The media played right along with them, blatantly denying left-wing violence even when it was all caught on camera.

“Watching video of people being assaulted and mobbed by BLM/Antifa in DC tonight brings back awful memories. Want an example of media bias? When Rand Paul and I spoke out about our mob assault, the AP reported our claim was ‘without evidence’ despite 10 minutes of video,” Paul’s wife Kelley Ashby Paul wrote on Twitter.

The Pauls were surrounded by what the senator described as a “crazed mob” after the Republican National Convention in August.

An American legislator being chased down the street by a mob ought to be headline news from a genuinely impartial media. Ought to be.

Wherever the left have gathered, violence has quickly followed. Yet when tens of thousands of Trump supporters rallied, there was no violence, no riots, no looting, no burning, bashing or stabbing.

Until the left showed up.

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., said the “media blackout” was “terrible” and “telling.”
“The President’s supporters have a right to peacefully rally supporting POTUS just like his opponents have that same right,” Zeldin wrote on Twitter. “The physical assaults today by violent leftists targeting his supporters is abhorrent. The near total media blackout of the violence is terrible… [and] telling.”

Several thousand Trump supporters protested election results and then hailed Trump’s passing motorcade before nighttime clashes with counterdemonstrators sparked fistfights, at least one stabbing and at least 20 arrests[…]

“When violent far left wing extremists organize violence online, you can always count on the Twitter hall monitors to ignore it,” political commentator Mike Cernovich wrote on Twitter, calling members of the media “Antifa propagandists.”
Cernovich shared screenshots of NBC News’ Ben Collins and CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski tweeting about White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany‘s response to the march and Kyle Rittenhouse, who allegedly killed two protesters and wounded a third during unrest in Kenosha, Wis.

“Actual violence caught on video tonight – multiple horrific instances – and here’s what the media guys who REALLY CARE ABOUT EXTREMISM are posting,” Cernovich wrote.

The president’s daughter joined the chorus of criticism.

Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump tweeted that “the media’s near total silence about the physical violence being perpetrated against conservatives is shameful & dangerous.”

“Just imagine the outrage and indignation if this went the other way,” Trump continued, calling for attackers to be prosecuted.

Naturally, the media can’t help themselves. Faced with undeniable evidence, what do they do? Smear the victims.

The marchers included members of the Proud Boys, a neo-fascist group known for street brawling with ideological opponents at political rallies.

Well, at least they didn’t call them “White Supremacists”, this time. Baby steps, media, baby steps.

Meanwhile, the rest of the media rushed to prove their critics right, by claiming that left-wing violence has never even happened. It’s all a big conspiracy.

Just ignore those masked, black-shirted thugs bashing everyone from journalists to elderly veterans, and women and children.

Journalist Andy Ngo is peacefully attacked by a peaceful Antifa assembly. The BFD.
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