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Man Concusses Woman for Sport

A polyamorous relationship. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In the bad, old days, they used to have “Freak Shows”, but those went out of fashion as society progressed. Violence against women was slowly edged out of the sphere of socially acceptable behaviour. But, good news I suppose for you atavistic types and violent misogynists: freakshows are back. Complete with bearded ladies. So is belting women in public.

A biological woman suffered a concussion after being pushed to the ground by a biological male during a National Hockey League-sponsored All-Trans Draft Tournament in Wisconsin.

Now, this match was supposed to be a demonstration of the wonders of “inclusivity” of the mentally-confused cocks-in-frocks and bearded lady brigade. What it turned into was a brutal demonstration of the biological facts of the human sex binary.

At one point during the event, a biological male who identifies as a woman pushed another player, a biological female who identifies as a man. The athlete was shoved head-first into the boards.

“Get a stretcher! Get a medic!” players shouted as they surrounded the injured.

Fox News

Maybe they should have called for a Gender Studies academic, to transplain to them that it couldn’t possibly have happened. Because “Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Nonbinary identity is real,” according to the NHL’s publicity guff.

In fact, all involved seem desperate to pretend that it never actually happened.

The NHL posted a tweet hailing the groundbreaking tournament as a model of inclusivity – but made no mention of the outcome of the tournament.

Vice News sent a five-person camera crew to record the games, but hasn’t published or broadcast anything about the game.

Hockey News parroted a line from Team Trans Ice Hockey’s official Twitter account saying that ‘the arena was buzzing with trans joy for two solid days.’

No mention of results or the concussion was reported.

Even the victim is gaslighting herself.

[Danny Maki] was subsequently accused of self-censoring what had happened on Instagram by describing the incident as an ‘odd fall,’ despite himself sharing the video – which clearly shows [s]he was tackled.

In fact, the entire debacle played out exactly as anyone who isn’t deranged gender ideology could have predicted it would.

Team Pink – which was largely comprised of trans women- not only won the entire tournament, but flattened the opposing Team Black – which had only two trans women – in the finals with a 7-1 win.

Daily Mail

So, there you have it, folks: if you’re the sort of weirdo coward who likes to bash women in public, just put on a dress and grow some fake tits first. You’ll not be arrested as you deserve, the legacy media will celebrate you.

Truly, transgenderism is the most violently misogynist ideology this side of Islam.


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