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Mark Zuckerberg Wants Politics Removed from All Social Media Platforms

Now the public is aware of political interference through social media platforms Zuckerberg says he wants to reduce the “political echo chambers” on all of them.

“We’re also currently considering steps that we can take to reduce the amount of political content in News Feed as well,” Zuckerberg said on Tuesday during the company’s Q4 2020 earnings call.  It’s not clear how Facebook will achieve that as Zuckerberg did not elaborate.”

His comments are most likely a direct response to the mass exodus from Zuckerberg’s politically motivated platforms to alternative sites where the conservative voice is not silenced. Now the Biden administration is installed, his job is done.

“Twitter, Facebook, Google, and other Big Tech companies are facing increasing scorn from users after the platforms banned President Donald Trump and other prominent conservatives in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol. A number of users have said they would move to alternative social media apps and chat apps like Gab, Signal, Telegram, and MeWe.”

The Epoch Times

An online echo chamber becomes dangerous when a harmonious group of people amalgamate and develop tunnel vision by distorting and hiding the truth – something Zuckerberg himself is guilty of.

Media created one of the biggest echo chambers of all time when they persistently, and for four years, denigrated Donald Trump, reported lies and half-truths and infected woolly headed watchers with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Hypocritical Zuckerberg donated US$400k to the Dems and worked his censors overtime to remove all conservative content. Only a fool would think Zuckerberg, Facebook and Twitter are politically unbiased.

A video leaked to Project Veritas by someone they describe as a Facebook Insider has a clip of  Zuckerberg disparaging President Donald Trump at a Jan 7 meeting.

“It’s so important that our political leaders lead by example, make sure we put the nation first here, and what we’ve seen is that the president has been doing the opposite of that,” Zuckerberg said at the time. “The president intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power.”

Some Americans will strongly disagree with Zuckerberg’s biased and factually unsupported statement, made, of course, behind closed doors. Trump ran on the premise of Americans First and his policies affirmed that resolve.

A video confirms Zuckerberg’s support for Biden.

“I thought President Biden’s inaugural address was very good,” Zuckerberg said in the Jan. 21 meeting.

“In his first day, President Biden already issued a number of Executive Orders on areas that we as a company care quite deeply about and have for some time,” he added. “Areas like immigration, preserving DACA, ending restrictions on travel from Muslim-majority countries, as well as other Executive Orders on climate and advancing racial justice and equity. I think these were all important and positive steps.”

The Epoch Times

Biden signed more executive orders in his first week than any other US president in history. A more democratic process would be to debate the bills in Congress before voting them into action. Despite the name Democrat, Biden has demonstrated little aptitude for democracy at the outset of his presidency.

Whether the American public agree with Biden’s immigration policies (stop building the wall; repeal Trump’s “wait in Mexico” edict for asylum seekers – estimated at 60,000 people; advance climate change policy [by re-joining the Paris Accord] and advance “racial justice and equity” through divisive racial policy), is yet to be revealed. MSM are reluctant to share news disparaging Biden.

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