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Mask Campaign GP Quits Over Vax Mandate

Image credit The BFD.

Boy, that escalated quickly. One minute, you’re shilling for the Branch Covidians and their muzzle-fantasies, the next you’re quitting rather than be forcibly vaccinated. Not so much red-pilled as red-needled.

A family doctor who launched a campaign to get Kiwis to wear masks is quitting her job after the Government made the Covid-19 vaccine compulsory for most health workers.

Sophie Febery, a GP at the Methven Medical Centre in Mid-Canterbury, posted a statement online on Tuesday saying she would no longer be permitted to see patients face to face because of her decision not to get vaccinated.

The Government last week announced that high-risk healthcare workers in the health and disability sector must have a first vaccination by October 30 or face losing their job.

It’s gotta hurt when you’ve shilled for the fairy princess and then she turns you into a pumpkin.

Last year Febery launched a Facebook campaign, #masks4all NZ, in an effort to get everyone wearing masks in public.

“As Jacinda says, we should all assume we’re infected and if we’re infected then of course we will want to do everything we can to stop passing that onto others, and wearing a mask is just kind.”

How’s the kindness working out now she’s been tossed out of her job for exercising a personal medical decision?

Residents posted messages thanking her for her service and said she would be missed, with some saying that while they did not understand her decision they respected it.

As should anyone’s decision be respected, whether to get vaccinated or not.

Royal New Zealand College of GPs president Samantha Murton said it was “saddening” when a doctor quit based on a vaccine that was proven to be safe. “It’s a shame.”


Except, can it really be called “quitting”, when it’s the result of a government ultimatum?

I don’t care why the doctor has decided not to take the vaccine. It’s none of my business, it’s nobody else’s either. If she’d chosen to take it — same deal. Regardless of how one feels — red-hot anti-vaxxer, or raging vaxhole — mandatory vaccinations should be anathema. Losing GPs when they’re in such short supply, just because of a busybodying government, is unconscionable.

Can’t we all just shut up and let people make up their own minds, and stop punishing, berating and sneering at anyone who chooses differently from what we do?

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