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Mask Mandates Remain, They Should Go Too

leading the world no longer comply

The tyrant, Jacinda Ardern has relaxed her divisive and draconian vaccine mandates and all the bizarre regulations that go with them…temporarily. But they haven’t ditched the mask mandates.

A post-pandemic “normal” won’t come until after winter, at least, as officials expect the mask-wearing requirements of the “Orange” traffic light system to remain for months.


Ardern, at the press conference on Wednesday, said Green would be the “new normal”, where there would be public health guidance but no restrictions or requirements. The only requirement that would remain under Green would be mask-wearing on aeroplanes.

“We’ll still be in the system as a way of reminding each other that we need to be on watch – ready to move, should we need to,” Ardern said.


And don’t expect that National would do anything different either:

National Party leader Christopher Luxon said the traffic light system was an “intellectual complication” and it was “difficult to see the justification” for keeping it.

Our view is that some simple instructions around masking and crowd limits are easier to manage than the confusion of the traffic light system.”


The problem with all these donkeys is that they keep on saying they are following “the science”. Except ‘the science’ is whatever they want it to be. None of them has the self-awareness to match their statements with real facts…that masks don’t work, whether they are mandated or not. The evidence is freely available but seemingly beyond the grasp of these dolts.

As you can see the red light settings, complete with mask mandates, vax passes and vax mandates did absolutely nothing to halt the rapid rise in cases. The evidence that masks work is a busted flush, but still, they try to muzzle us. Neither have masks and vaccines prevented hospitalisations:

If masks, which are now the only health measure in place, worked then those cases numbers shouldn’t have climbed. It’s as plain as day, but still, the tyrant and her helpers in the National Party want masks worn.

This is where following the science has gotten us:

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And here is an hour-long, point-by-point rebuttal of Prof. Michael Baker.

What you need to understand is that what the politicians and their useful idiots like Michael Baker, Rod Jackson, Shaun Hendy and Siouxsie Wiles are telling you is lies and not at all based on science. They are literally making stuff up.

Let me be very clear, masking is not about health, it’s about control and compliance.

Educate yourself, argue against stupid rules, refuse to comply.

Ditch the muzzle and take back your freedom because the politicians aren’t going to give it back to you. You must fight for freedom. Just. Say. No more.

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