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Your mask is as useless as Jacinda

We finally have the Government changing our traffic light setting from red (Stop) to boot it to get through, otherwise known as orange. But they’ve kept their nonsensical mask mandates in place, but with some extra stupidity built-in. There is no sense at all with the new rules.

Retail NZ says new rules around mask wearing make no sense.

The country will move to the orange alert level at 11.59pm on Wednesday and all rules around capacity will be ditched, meaning bars and clubs can operate without restrictions.

But mask requirements remain, apart from at schools where they are encouraged but no longer required.

That means shoppers will continue to have to wear masks at supermarkets and stores but punters can take to the dance floor maskless – which Retail NZ chief executive Greg Harford said was “absurd”.

“While it is good news that the country is moving to orange, it is absurd that the Government is removing mask requirements in the hospitality and education sectors, but keeping them for retail,” he said.

“Masks are either a key part of the public health response or they not. It is just nonsensical to suggest that there is greater risk in socially distanced retail settings than in crowded nightclubs, school classrooms or cafes.”


Obviously, Clarke Gayford has managed to get his missus to pay back some of those receipts.

Absurd is the correct use of the term to describe the mask rules. As I have written before the evidence to support mask-wearing is rather thin, if not actually non-existent. Yet this bunch of morons masquerading as a Government keeps people jumping through their pathetic control hoops.

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And here is an hour-long, point-by-point rebuttal of Prof. Michael Baker and his fetish for masks:

The ONLY reason why the Government is continuing to insist on mask-wearing, except in nightclubs, of course, is that masks are a visible way of seeing just who is compliant with the regime’s arbitrary and absurd rules. It keeps reminding the feeble-minded that they are supposed to be quivering in fear so the donkey leading this country can save them.

It’s not about health, it’s about control. That’s why they keep lying to you about mask-wearing statistics.

There are plenty of feeble-minded out there too. Like Siouxsie Wiles, who along with Michael Baker are screaming tears of impotent rage now that they are no longer being listened to.

I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing at these Karens, especially Space Cadet Catherine Q, who all seem to have a double dose of Pavlovian respondent conditioning and Stockholm Syndrome. They seem to think that everyone else’s freedom should be curtailed because they are quivering in fear of a fricken cold.

Still, if you must wear a mask, I don’t, you can at least tell these Karens precisely what you think about it by wearing one of our many useless mask merchandise offerings.

At least our merch makes more sense than the Government’s rules.

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