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Masks Are Useless — That’s It

The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Is there any grimmer sight than some clown sitting in their own car, all alone, wearing a mask? Well, yes: a parent dragging their children through the streets, their little faces all obediently muzzled. I have even, I kid you not, seen a person wearing a mask while tramping in the Tasmanian wilderness.

The Wuhan pandemic has been a masterclass in authoritarian stupidity. But few of the moronic measures imposed by puffed-up politicians and public health bureaucrats can hold a candle to the absolute useless cretinism of mask mandates.

At least some of the other stupid excesses of the covidians might plead the pathetic excuse of “we didn’t know they weren’t going to work…” The evidence against mass masking has long been clear. Even in 1918, San Francisco’s mask mandate did nothing to stop it ending up as one of the worst-hit cities in the US. More recent, scientific studies in the past few decades clearly indicated the essential uselessness of mask mandates: which is why pandemic plans by the likes of the WHO and the CDC, prior to 2020, were adamant that mask mandates should not be imposed.

Billions of useless plastic and cloth masks, often made with slave labour, have been spewed into the oceans.

Masks aren’t “better than nothing”, they’re worse. Unless the wearer enjoys flaunting their obedience, masking is costly. Non-verbal communication is obliterated, speech is muffled, glasses fog up, kids can’t socialise properly at school and they create a divisive atmosphere of fear.

As with lockdowns, the second or possibly runner-up for most stupid pandemic measure, the US has been a grimly useful laboratory. Thanks to its federal system, mask mandates were never uniformly imposed across the country — thus giving us an invaluable, real-world set of apples-with-apples data.

No one has done more to highlight the futility of mask mandates during Covid-19 than Ian Miller, 34, an American data analyst in the entertainment industry who lives in Los Angeles.

His new book, Unmasked: The Global Failure of Covid Mask Mandates, is a rigorous demolition of forced masking that will shake readers’ faith in the intelligence of the population and the honesty of public health officials […]

As Miller lays out, scientists including Anthony Fauci, who has became a masking champion, have known for a long time that masks don’t stop viruses.

Fauci repeatedly stated that masks were unnecessary: “There’s no reason to be walking around with masks,” he flatly stated in March 2020. If that wasn’t clear enough, at the end of that month, Fauci received an email from a scientist at the National Institutes of Health, summarising the best data available. Bottom line: masks don’t do shit.

Yet three days after that email, on April 3, 2020, no time obviously for new evidence to emerge, Fauci and public health experts changed their view on masks, prompting a domino effect across the developed world: masks worked because we said they do.

Science became The Science, pushing the developed world into an egregious period of collective stupidity.

So, why the change of heart, if the evidence hadn’t changed? Politics and power.

Masks are nothing more than an instant signal of obedience. The enforcers of the covid state can see at a glance who’s obeying orders and who isn’t.

And in case you didn’t get the message: take note of who doesn’t feel obliged to obey their own mandates.

Stacey Abrams, a Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia, drew national scorn last week when she sat down in the classroom for a photo opportunity, sans mask, among a group of schoolchildren in their masks.

Then there was Barack Obama, whooping it up in luxury, where none of the invited celebrities wore masks — but the servants did. Ditto, every celebrity gala from the Emmys to the Met Gala.

They are a class signifier, dividing low-wage service workers, who must wear them all day, with the rich, who rarely do.

The Australian

So, don’t obey. They can’t arrest us all.
