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Massey Professor Labels Opposition Parties “Irrelevant”

Prof Richard Shaw Massey University Judith Collins David Seymour
Source: Newshub

Well, that’s that then, according to Newshub. By that train of communication the message is necessarily suspect, as that mob definitely are given to mangling quotes beyond all original meaning; but if it does contain a grain of truth, it appears a Professor, if one can call him that — holder of a master’s degree in Social Work disbursed by Massey Agricultural College but now lecturing in Politics (perhaps the bicycle warden wasn’t available) — has declared the National and ACT parties “vanishingly irrelevant” to parliament during the next term.

Mr ‘Vanishingly Irrelevant’s’ quip may strike some as more than a little astonishingly stupid from someone apparently voiced in the serious study of politics, but these are musings from the intellectual citadel known as Massey; that well-known, de-rigueur in fact, go-to for inciteful political posturing but very much less for insightful analysis. Little wonder they’re a mess.

Just to enlighten the good Professor Shaw: the opposition’s job is to hold the government to account, which, given the incoming cluster of manifestly untalented poseurs and diversity divas – a posse untainted by any shade of intellectual prowess and even less common sense, will keep them very, very busy. Provided National and ACT keep disciplined and focus only on things that matter, expect the vanishingly irrelevant to wipe the floor of the debating chamber with the vanishingly competent.

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