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Massive Waste of Taxpayer Money for Virtue Signalling Companies

EECAA screenshot from the launch video for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority’s climate change campaign Gen Less.

A major new government campaign to convince companies to cut down on their carbon emissions has splashed the cash in a big-budget one million dollar production.

The 90-second long ad opens with Martin Luther King Jr’s ‘I have a dream’ speech (which has NOTHING to do with carbon) and then shows more famous leaders like Dame Whina Cooper and Winston Churchill who also have NOTHING to do with carbon emissions. The cost of showing the ad just once during the lead-up to the All Blacks’ Rugby World Cup opener against the Springboks on Saturday night was $19,000.

“They all had their defining moment. Climate change is ours,” the ad concludes.

Using iconic leaders like these to push the Labour-led coalition government’s carbon emission agenda is like using Jesus in an ad to promote halal products.

The campaign’s logo is an adapted version of the ‘less than’ mathematical symbol. Clemenger BBDO hope it will be a rallying cry for people and businesses to make a commitment to lower their emissions.

Several major New Zealand businesses and organisations have bought into the virtue signalling hype: Westpac, Countdown, Lewis Road Creamery, NZ Post, and Stuff Ltd, which owns are just some of them.

This is a massive waste of taxpayer money for virtue signalling companies. Stuff has embraced it, so I hope Stuff is going to turn off their massive neon signs on their building since they are telling us all to use less energy.

They may also want to stop printing their papers as well since making newsprint is a massively wasteful use of energy and creates pollutants too.

Since Countdown is also sticking up their hands to virtue signal, I hope we will see them reducing their energy use since they have all those Countdown trucks and big stores with massive electricity footprints.


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