As a recent survey has shown, the more Americans learn about “Critical Race Theory”, the less they like it.
It’s a bit like socialism, where surveys have also shown that those who know the least about it are the most enthusiastic promoters. But Americans are wising up to CRT, and they’re fighting back.
So what are the left Establishment to do?
Why, what they always do: lie.
The concept known as critical race theory is the new lightning rod of the GOP. But what exactly is it?
The term seemed to appear in statehouses and at political rallies almost from nowhere. Over the past few months, it has morphed from an obscure academic discussion point on the left into a political rallying cry on the right.
On Wednesday, for instance, critical race theory became a flashpoint during a congressional hearing into the military’s approach to addressing racism and extremism, when Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, pushed back forcefully against accusations by Republican lawmakers that the effort is creating division and hurting morale.
Spot the lie? “Addressing racism and extremism.” That’s not what’s being forced on the US military, though. In fact, what’s happening is a good, old-fashioned, Marxist “re-education” campaign. And far from “addressing” racism and extremism, it’s promoting anti-white racism and anti-white extremism.
Let the lies continue.
Yet, even those who condemn or seek to ban critical race theory in schools often struggle to define what it is. Real-world examples of students being indoctrinated in its principles are difficult to find.
Bullshit. Bullshit.
Even we here at The BFD have published several explainers on CRT. As for “real-world examples” in schools: this is a lie of Marxist proportions.
Even in Australia, school children are being forced to apologise for being white. The fraudulent 1619 Project is being taught in schools across America. A study promoting CRT explicitly acknowledges that it is taught to students. Students are openly complaining about being taught such racist garbage, while leftist teachers fight back by indoctrinating their own little Pavlik Morozovs in what they openly admit is a “coordinated campaign” to protect CRT in schools. Amazon has given hundreds of copies of books by CRT scholar “Ibrahim X. Kendi” (né Henry Rogers) to schools.
Having lied about the prevalence of CRT, the next step of course is to lie about what it is.
Critical race theory is a way of thinking about America’s history through the lens of racism […]
It centers on the idea that racism is systemic in the nation’s institutions and that they function to maintain the dominance of white people in society.
Notice how they’ve left out all the core stuff about “all white people are racist”, “white people are born racist”, and so on?
But the theory also has become somewhat of a catchall phrase to describe racial concepts some conservatives find objectionable, such as white privilege, systemic inequality and inherent bias.
All three of those “racial concepts” are lies, easily disproven by facts and logic.
Cheryl Harris, a UCLA law professor who teaches a course on the topic, said it’s a myth that critical race theory teaches hatred of white people.
AP News
Oh, really?
The Treasury Department held a training session telling staff members that “virtually all white people contribute to racism”[…]And the Sandia National Laboratories, which design America’s nuclear arsenal, sent white male executives to a three-day re-education camp where they were told that “white male culture” was analogous to the “KKK,” “white supremacists” and “mass killings.”[…]in Seattle, the school district told white teachers that they are guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and must “bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgment of [their] thieved inheritance.”
New York Post
Critical Race Theory is a racist lie. The media are racist liars.
And they are terrified, because ordinary people are pushing back against their racist lies.

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