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Media Party All Sound and Fury

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

As I wrote recently, the NZ media greedily snatched the PIJF funding like the cheap whores they are, even though they would have happily put out for Labor for free.

“Like the political nymphomaniac hookers they are, they just love doing it anyway: getting paid was a bonus.”

And the cheap tarts are still banging for Labor like dunny doors in the wind, even though the only wind is their own impotent flatulence.

Witness Tova “then Jessica” O’Brien and her impotent tantrums, because the new National government is targeting runaway government spending.

Under fire from Labour for failing to outline how National will pay for its tax cuts, as it had promised it would in the mini-Budget, Nicola Willis proudly explained to Parliament, “what New Zealanders care about is the size of the sausage, not how we deliver it”.

Less sizzle, more fizzer.

Well, the NZ mainstream media would know about fizzers. These are a bunch of incompetent whores who’ve been reduced for years to kerb-crawling for passing Labour governments willing to hold their noses and ignore the stench.

Presstitution. Satirical image credit Wibble. The BFD.
In her “mini mini mini-Budget” the new Finance Minister isn’t just undoing much of Labour’s work, Willis has launched an all-out assault on her predecessor’s legacy.

Accusing Grant Robertson and Labour of “economic and fiscal vandalism”, “six years of economic mismanagement”, leaving “financial time bombs”, “cost blow-outs” and “fiscal wreckage”.

But Tova O’Brien isn’t the only impotent fishwife screeching and flinging poo. Robbo insisted that he’s “proud” of the job Labour did — which, sadly enough, is probably true.

He had some terse words for Willis in return and her mini-Budget which he accused of being riddled with “diversions, distractions and delays” and said no one is any the wiser as to how National will pay for its tax cuts.

Word to the wise, Robbo: your opinion now is about as relevant as any old man yelling at clouds.

But fishwife Tova is apparently outraged that the new government is, y’know, cutting spending.
As a starting point, in under a month, Willis has found $7.47 billion in savings. Not at all bad for a hurried dig down the back of the couch for coin.

We knew what was coming – it was signalled during the election – scrapping Labour’s 20 hours free childcare for under-twos, killing the Lake Onslow project, Let’s Get Wellington Moving, the Resource Management Act reforms and commercial building depreciation changes among other things.

And all that profligacy Robertson is so proud of is coming back to belt New Zealanders, long after he and the rest of the unlamented Labour government have slithered back to their little holes to count their taxpayer-funded pensions.

The country is expected to enter a real GDP per capita recession.

The tax take is reducing thanks to slower spending and lower business revenue.

Unemployment is set to rise from 3.6% in 2023 to 4.5% next year and 5.2% in 2025.

Surplus will still be hit by 2026/27 but by a mere whisker – it’s shrunk from an expected $2.1 billion to what Willis describes as a “wafer-thin” $140 million.


Left-wing governments are always obsessed with their “legacies”. And they always leave behind typical legacies like the above.

How proud they must be.


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