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Media Propaganda Takes the Cake

Dog whisperer Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

Marie Antoinette never said, “Let them eat cake”. It was a propaganda invention, but as for taking the cake, that’s a media reality, happening in front of our very eyes.

Hot on the heels of the love-fest following news of the USA’s most insignificant cable news channel ‘praising’ Ms Ardern’s leadership, followed by strictly-left Washington Post‘s column by New Zealander Anna Fifield, a glowing wee piece filed from the metropolis known as Havelock North, we now have headlines of “praise” from the Independent‘s Alastair Campbell.

The BFD.

Yes: that Alastair Campbell – dyed in red leftist, Chardonnay socialist, Tony Blair’s bulldust-peddler, curator of the 2003 Dodgy WMD Dossier, intensely-disliked media-man for the “worst ever” 2005 Lions’ tour to NZ; despised by All Black fans and Lions tour-group players alike, anti-Brexiteer, organiser of the failed vote-split strategy in the 2019 UK elections: that Alastair Campbell.

The man previously introduced thus:

“The English spin-doctor accused of conjuring tall tales of imaginary Iraqi weapons of mass destruction is at it again in our own backyard” and “Controversial Campbell”

Both from the NZ Herald. The Listener piled in as well:

“Campbell wasn’t just a Tony Blair spin-doctor. He wasn’t just a cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq…”

You get the idea.

But praise “Blunder Woman” PM Jacinda Ardern, Winston’s preferred Prime Minister, and suddenly he’s forgiven, his opinion not just newsworthy, but headline-worthy. It’s utterly astonishing. Cringe-worthy. What a sad and sorry group of slobberers our mainstream media have become, and that’s very concerning.

What actual ‘leadership’ can these ‘praisers’ point to? One single thing? Just one? There’s nothing but nothingness. Not a single original or timely idea can they point to during this crisis because she hasn’t had one. In fact: she was ‘praised’ for down-playing the pandemic by Media Inc. while “Orange-Man” Donald Trump was accused of over-reacting.

Campbell romanticises:

“Could any other leader have stood at a government lectern as she did recently and talked directly to children about how yes, the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny were key workers”

Well: probably, yes. But they would have been laughed off the lectern for it.

Mr Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction claims that while Mr Johnson in the UK, and Mr Trump in the USA, were “dithering”, “Blunder Woman” Ms Ardern was delivering a pitch-perfect message of essential social restraint and ramped up testing on March 21st. This ignored, of course, that Mr Trump had removed all federal restrictions on COVID-19 testing three weeks before, pre-empted Ms Ardern on travel restrictions and declared a ‘National Emergency’ on March 13th. Meanwhile, Mr Johnson had declared all bars, restaurants, cafe’s, gyms and schools closed for the public good prior to Blunder Woman’s ‘original’ and ‘inventive’ masterstrokes.

This media massaging is no more than the left cheer-leading the left, presented as news. It’s pure propaganda, writ large and in action. It’s nonsense. It takes the cake.

Dog whisperer Cartoon credit: SonovaMin

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