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Media Prove They Are Drongos

Image credit The BFD.

Mayor Wayne Brown calling the media “drongos” was simply echoing what the majority of us have been thinking for some considerable time. It is very clear to all, except the precious little luvvies in the country’s newsrooms, that the mayor doesn’t suffer fools gladly. The likes of Simon Wilson and David Fisher would be wise to not seek an audience with said gentleman.

Mr Brown is a no-nonsense operator. After years of incompetent governance, Aucklanders recognised that at last they had someone they could vote for to right the economic mess the city is in. Unlike Jacinda Ardern, Wayne Brown is not interested in daily chats with media darlings fawning all over him. Again, unlike Ardern, he is there to get results.

What the mayor has highlighted is the stark difference between the left and right of politics when it comes to ‘getting things done’. This of course the journalists don’t like, which is why they’re determined to paint the mayor in a bad light. They’re no doubt extremely upset their man lost the election – in a landslide. Journalists these days, not just in this country, have a propensity to put themselves above everyone else: they know best on any given subject. It’s only their opinion that matters.

An excellent example was the obnoxious Jenna Lynch salivating over the latest Newshub poll. She made zero attempt at objective reporting. This is where journalists come unstuck when they come up against someone like Wayne Brown. If they were even slightly interested in how he was getting on with the things that mattered to Aucklanders, then they might get a hearing. But they’re not. Mr Brown is enemy number one. He is to be pilloried at every opportunity. Journalists have decided their strategy is to play the man, not the ball.

In terms of professionalism this is, to put it bluntly, pathetic. I was going to suggest they go back to journalism school but in all probability this is where all this childish nonsense emanates from. Journalists, like school teachers, are being trained in left-wing ideology. In all of this it is the public who suffer. We were subjected to it every day during Covid, where Ardern got away with yapping enough garbage to fill an endless line of rubbish trucks.

Not once, on any day, did any journalist ask the hard searching questions we, the public, needed answers to so we could ascertain for ourselves whether the government was on the right track. Instead, Ardern announced she was the “single source of truth” and her darlings in the media pack just stood there and bought it because it came from their darling’s mouth. Journalism is no longer a profession of which one can be proud. It has been reduced to a bunch of headless chooks scratching around the barnyard looking for dirt and crowing ‘we know best’.

My response is stop deluding yourselves. The mayor and the bulk of the Auckland population know better. Get off your high horses and start thinking of the people you are there to serve. The mayor may not be the best at the podium, but if you ask adult questions of him you might find you’ll get something worth reporting. If your game is to bait him simply because he’s on the other side of the political fence to you, then you’ll be called drongos.

Which, right now, you are.


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