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Media Try to Make Excuses for Monster

The shocking reign of terror of an online predator.

Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed: No excuses for a monster. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Echoing the horrifying experience of British towns like Rotherham and Telford, 24 years ago, Sydney was terrorised by gangs of Muslim pack-rapists preying on young girls. Much as the media tried desperately to play it down, the gang-rapists explicitly targeted Aussie girls for degradation.

When Afghan ‘asylum seeker’ Ali Jaffari repeatedly attempted to molest and abduct young children, a judge dismissed all charges, on the grounds of ‘cultural differences’. When Jaffari mercifully self-immolated, ‘refugee’ advocates wrung their hands and blamed the immigration detention system.

Now, another Muslim immigrant has been sentenced as a shockingly prolific child sex predator – and the left media are trying once again to make the predator the victim.

A sex predator who pretended to be a teenage YouTube star to blackmail hundreds of children into performing sexual acts has been sentenced to 17 years in jail.

In handing down her sentence in the District Court of WA today, Judge Amanda Burrows said the volume of offences was of such magnitude there was “no comparable case … I can find in Australia”.

Muhammad Zain Ul Abideen Rasheed, 29, targeted children in Australia and overseas by pretending to be a 15-year-old social media influencer with a large following.

In a slyly escalating grooming strategy, Rasheed gained the trust of his victims, culminating in asking for pictures of themselves for him to “rate”: pictures he then used as blackmail in order to perpetrate an horrific regime of child abuse.

He threatened to send screenshots of their responses to friends and family unless they performed increasingly extreme sexual acts – including those involving family pets and other young siblings or children in the home.

In sentencing, Judge Burrows said those offences were “of a degrading, humiliating nature [and] the conduct involving a family pet was particularly abhorrent”.

The court heard Rasheed would set a “countdown” timer, threatening to distribute the responses and further images he had made of them if they didn’t comply with his demands.

Judge Burrows said Rasheed’s offending was aggravated by the fact he abused a number of the victims with groups of other adults, inviting other paedophiles to watch live streams while he directed children to perform the distressing acts.

In other cases, he continued to bully and coerce the children despite their “obvious distress” and “extreme fear”, with some telling him they were suicidal.

The scale of his crimes is staggering.

In less than a year, Rasheed abused at least 286 victims. He was sentenced for 665 offences. This is all on top of a five-year jail term for sexually abusing a child in his car.

The court heard Rasheed spent hundreds of hours engaged in a sex offenders treatment program while in prison, however a psychiatrist found he still represented a “well above average risk” of reoffending.

Now, here comes the left media pity party.

A report prepared by a psychiatrist for the court detailed how Rasheed moved to Australia from Pakistan at a young age and his parents were “traditional, conservative and strict”.

He was sent to an all-boys private school where he and his brothers were the only Muslim students, which led to him feeling socially isolated […]

The court heard his views on women were a barrier to rehabilitation, and before being jailed he had been engaging with misogynistic “incel” online communities.

Of course. It’s everyone’s fault but his. Muslims are always the real victims.

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