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Men in Lippy Don’t Look ‘More Masculine’

No, this isn’t “more masculine”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

I can’t reinforce enough my Second Law of the Media: When an article claims, “science says…” or “new study shows…”, assume that it doesn’t until proven otherwise. Almost every single day, without fail, we see more and more proof of this adage. The legacy media, for all their “The Science™!” blithering, not only don’t have the foggiest understanding of science, they deliberately lie and distort scientific studies in order to peddle their “progressive” monomanias.

Even worse, far too many people, even on the centre-right, get suckered in by their lies and swallow their anti-scientific gibberish, uncritically.

Case in point:

Men look more masculine when they wear make up, study shows.
No, this isn’t “more masculine”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The headline is illustrated with photos of a pair of flaming queens tarted up like day-glo parrots on acid. If anyone misses the narrative the legacy media are trying to spin, the article claims:

It’s time to get the guy-liner out in full force.

So, did the study find that men decked out like second-rate drag queens look “more masculine”?

Long story short: no.

The inconvenient truth is buried deep in the article:

The first shot showed the individual without wearing any cosmetics while the second showed the same man donning make up that was applied by a professional makeup artist, Carmina Cristina.

Carmina was told to sort the 20 men out with some super subtle makeup without making it too noticeable that they were wearing it.

So, in contrast to the gaudy headline photos, the “makeup” wasn’t even noticeable as such.

The paper details that she was instructed to: “Increase skin homogeneity, decrease facial contrast, and accentuate the bone structure without it being too obvious that the targets were wearing makeup.”

Indeed, as the actual photos from the study show, to the casual observer, the subjects don’t even appear to be wearing any makeup at all, let alone the demented parrot look the legacy media try to pass off.

In other words, the makeup artist carefully and almost invisibly enhanced what are traditionally masculine features.

Dr. Carlota Batres, who led the study, commented: “We found that the male faces were rated as higher in attractiveness when presented wearing subtle makeup, compared to when presented not wearing makeup […]

“Previous studies have found that lower facial contrast makes faces appear more masculine,” the study noted, “additionally, bone structure in men affects perceptions of attractiveness.”

The paper concluded: “Therefore, we predicted that male faces with makeup would be rated as more attractive than male faces without makeup, since makeup could potentially be applied to influence skin homogeneity, facial contrast, and bone structure perceptions.”

Effectively, the use of make up can make skin appear more even allowing for a more healthy youthful glow, increase perceived masculinity by decreasing facial contrast and, lastly, influence bone structure to give men a proper chiseled jawline.


So, contrary to the legacy media narrative, men are not more attractive when they’re tarted up like an explosion in a drag queen’s dressing room. Men are more attractive when their traditionally masculine features are enhanced.

Despite the best efforts of the rainbow groomers in the media, everyone prefers a Chad to an emasculated Soyjack or a ladyboy.
