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Mental Health, Genetics and the C-19 Vaccine

This article investigates why Covid-19 vaccines have such a broad spectrum of adverse effects. It offers some deep insights and ways forward.

Photo by Alexander Grey / Unsplash

Guy Hatchard
Guy is an international advocate of food safety and natural medicine. He received his undergraduate degree in Logic and Theoretical Physics from the University of Sussex and his Ph.D. in Psychology from Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield Iowa. He was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory.

An analysis published in the Journal of the European Society of Medicine, entitled “Suspected Causes of the Specific Intolerance Profile of Spike-Based Covid-19 Vaccines (Review/Analysis)”, investigates some specific reasons why Covid-19 vaccines cause such a broad spectrum of adverse effects. It concludes:

The exceptionally wide range, frequency and severity of reported adverse reactions associated with spike-based Covid-19 vaccination exceeds the known level of conventional vaccination. This is a cause for serious concern.  From a pharmacological point of view, spikes are highly potent substances, and they are not innocuous antigens. Therefore, they do NOT appear to be suitable for preventive immunisation against comparatively harmless infections [such as Covid-19].

It reported that Covid-19 infection rates in the general population were higher after vaccination programmes began in 2021 than before in 2020. Following vaccination, spike proteins are distributed very broadly in the physiology where they are associated with the development of organ dysfunction over an extended period of time. The author writes:

An overwhelming body of evidence supports the consequences of the main mode of action of spike-based COVID-19 vaccines, namely the down-regulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) by spikes. This  enzyme … is not only responsible for cardiovascular homeostasis, but is also involved in pro-inflammatory, procoagulant, pro-fibrotic and immunological effects via its main vasoconstrictor effector, angiotensin II.

This is a step towards explaining the magnitude and diversity of the spectrum of adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines and the mechanisms, but only a step in that direction. There are many other researchers investigating the basis for broad scale effects of Covid-19 vaccines over extended periods of time following inoculation. 

Writing under the tag line Nepetalactone Newsletter, a paper on Substack reports evidence of a positive tumour biopsy one year after vaccination which can be linked back to BNT162b2 plasmid DNA replication. Disturbingly, the paper reports a previously recognised bio-molecular mechanism which can enable the Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA vaccine to be self-replicating and thereby subject to spreading in a population through genetic shedding.

Both these papers are highly technical in nature, but essentially point to dysfunction in immunoprotective mechanisms. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise that immune mechanisms protect us from not just one disease or a specific group of diseases but all diseases.

An initiative in Australia has highlighted some of the dangers of plasmid DNA contamination of Covid-19 vaccines referred to in the Substack paper. Following a comprehensive presentation from experts which included Australian test results, it received support from the local council in Port Hedland. They sent a letter to every one of the 537 Australian local councils saying:

We are gravely concerned about the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption.

The council will also send letters to every health practitioner within the Port Hedland area strongly urging them to share this information with patients contemplating receiving any Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 modified-RNA (mod-RNA) vaccines. For a full review of the Port Hedland discussions and support go here. This offers some hope that, with the publication of studies like those referenced above, the tide of public and government opinion may start to turn.

So just how broad are the potential effects of Covid-19 vaccines? 

A Substack report from Pierre Kory MD asks “Are Medical Errors On the Rise Due To Cognitive Impacts Of The mRNA Vaccine?”. This is a deep dive into a subject that we have often addressed at the Hatchard Report here and here. Kory reviews the published literature documenting cognitive decline subsequent to mRNA Covid-19 vaccination, as we have also in our earlier articles, and then goes on to report his own observation of increased incidence of medical misadventure, which he attributes to brain fog caused by Covid-19 and Covid-19 vaccination. He cites increased incidence of disability claims, VAERS reports of cognitive disorder, insurance claims and traffic accidents as corroborating data. 

In our articles at GLOBE here and here, we have suggested that mRNA vaccines can degrade intelligence. We formulated a general proposition that: intelligence is proportional to measures of coherent functioning in physiology. In other words, consciousness is supported by a network of trillions of cells that can function coherently only as long as each cell contains identical genetic material. We have described this as a biofield phenomenon. Crucially, the defining characteristic of human consciousness is its self-referral capacity. No one in the field of biology understands how our cellular genetics supports the expression of this function in human consciousness, but the principles of physical science allied with the received knowledge of cultural traditions can offer some vital insights.

An analogy will help explain the relationship between consciousness, genetics and human physiology. Very Large Array telescopes consist of multiple radio frequency telescopes placed miles apart which are networked together. They act as a single massive telescope which can tune into or ‘see’ into the radiation spectrum of objects in the distant deep Cosmos. Crucially each member telescope of the array must work in an identical fashion to all the other telescopes.

In this analogy our network of trillions of cells with identical genetic material is like an array. Individual cells are receivers of consciousness. When networked together they can tune into universal consciousness. In human physiology, this intercellular network supports a single identity or personality.

Consciousness supported by the cellular network has two sides: active and non-active, expressed and silent, object referral and self referral. The functioning side of the consciousness network includes perceptions, decisions, reflections and actions, but all of these rely on their connection with the silent non-active phase of universal consciousness, just as physical laws which function in the universe rely on their connection with the silent non-active unified level of natural law, sometimes referred to as the ground state of natural law. This universal level of consciousness exists independent of physiology, but is able to be experienced and expressed in individual life through the physiology.

In the waking consciousness of daily life, the non-active phase of consciousness is overshadowed by constant activity, perception and thinking. The purpose of traditional deep meditation is to clarify this situation, settling the mind to the extent that a clear relationship with universal consciousness is established uncluttered by activity. This is accompanied by deep metabolic rest and coherent brain functioning. A state of transcendence develops as the WHOLE physiology settles to its ground state. Research supporting the HOLISTIC nature of the effect of deep meditation is discussed in our article “New Studies Further Confirm Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines. Can These Be Reversed, if So How?”. Ultimately, with regular practice a clear connection with universal consciousness is maintained along with activity. These points are discussed and referenced in our paper Evolution, Genetics, Physics, and Consciousness available for download.

Many people believe that consciousness is located in specific areas of the brain. It is true that some specific expressed functions of consciousness are carried out by specific areas and structures contained in the neural network of the brain, but the ground state of consciousness is connected to the physiology as a WHOLE. A first person report by Bill Lumley reprinted by the Daily Mail recounts his experience of being fully conscious while on life support and having been diagnosed as brain dead. The functioning aspect of his brain was quiescent, but his silent witness value of consciousness was fully awake.

In this context it is clear that there are two distinct phases of operation in the human physiological network. Inter-cellular connections outside the cell membrane support the connective network functions through biomolecular, electric and chemical media for example. The receiver functions are contained inside the cell membrane where our DNA and its genetic expressions are housed. Any intervention which edits or alters activity inside the cell membrane, as both viral infections and mRNA vaccines do, can disrupt our capacity to tune into universal consciousness. If the disruption involves a sufficiently large number of cells as is the case with severe infections and Covid-19 vaccines, research shows that the clarity of consciousness along with its functions can be degraded even leading eventually to the onset of dementia.

So far, explanations of the broad spectrum of adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines have focused on the factors external to the cell membrane such as the effect of the spike protein. It may be that the more powerful explanation lies in the disruption of the internal genetic functioning of cells which disrupts our connection with universal law and universal consciousness.

Colleagues working in Holland developed a reference work on adverse effects of modern medical interventions which interact with molecular mechanisms outside the cell membrane. They documented 19,136 scientific review articles published in scientific journals between 2000 and 2005 on 44,532 subjects comprising more than 82,000 pages of research abstracts alone. When modern medicine adopted and even mandated mass mRNA vaccination during the pandemic they crossed a red line and began interfering with the command and control mechanisms of the WHOLE physiology. The broad spectrum hazards of genetic interventions dwarf those of prior medical interventions in both scope and seriousness. They are more long lasting and potentially fatal and they cannot be recalled using any known conventional medical approaches.

Collective effects of consciousness

The Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope, comprises 10 25-meter dishes located from Hawaii in the west to the US Virgin Islands in the east that constitutes the world’s largest dedicated, full-time astronomical instrument. Indian sage Maharishi Mahesh Yogi suggested in the ’70s that the receiving and amplification of consciousness can be enhanced by large groups practising meditation together, a collective principle widely recognised in many historical cultural and religious traditions. The very wide base of published research supporting this phenomenon documenting reduced crime and conflict is discussed and fully referenced in my book Your DNA Diet. This opens the possibility of collective healing of the individual and society at large.

Healing the adverse effects of genetic interventions will require linking back to the source of life in universal law. Whether this is referred to as God’s Will or natural law doesn’t matter so much as the understanding that human life has a source, course and goal guided by the fundamental laws or eternal truths of the Cosmos. Reconnecting with these has always involved both our ancient relationship with the intelligence in plants and our relationship with universal consciousness – the self of all. If a new era of understanding and health is to dawn in human life, it must involve our source.

This article was originally published by the Hatchard Report.
