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Michael Baker’s Mysterious Data

Covid Plan B

The architect of New Zealand’s elimination strategy for COVID-19, Michael Baker, criticized former “Bachelor” star Naz Khanjani for implying her mild experience of COVID-19 was the typical experience.

He said her comments were “dangerous” misinformation, and a “fallacy”. Yet a reality TV star show had it right – her experience is very, very, typical.

So we have some questions for Mr Baker from the strange statistics he gave to the media.

  • If his 1% mortality figure is correct, then why is the WHO publishing statistics indicating that the median is 5 times lower?

Publication: Bulletin of the World Health Organization by Juana Atkins on Scribd

Is he saying the WHO and Ioannidis is wrong?

The 1% figure provided by Baker led Prof. Rod Jackson to predict 60,000 deaths in Sweden.

Currently, there are about 9,300 deaths in Sweden, again indicating that the figure is grossly inflated.
  • If Baker is right and the virus is 20x more deadly than the flu, how can it be that Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Malta, Norway, and Northern Ireland have had no increase in overall mortality, despite widespread exposure to the virus?

Also, if the virus is 20x more deadly than the flu, then why are the observed deaths in New Zealand occurring with an age profile that is the same as natural death occurring in past years? Surely, if the virus were so deadly, it would shorten lives, as the 1918 flu epidemic did?

  • Does Baker consider that part of the chaos happening overseas is due to the policies enacted, and not the virus itself?

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